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IKEA: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Ikea is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture such as beds and desks, appliances and home accessories.
Architizer Blog » Art in the Age of IKEA
It's estimated that 1 in 10 Europeans is now conceived in an Ikea bed. Needless to say, the world's largest furniture retailer has achieved a level of cultural ubiquity and capital hegemony that invite the kind of subversive ...
Facebook Marketing: IKEA's “Bring Your Own Friend” Campaign ...
Ikea is introducing a new campaign via Facebook that encourages fans to bring themselves and their Facebook friends to store locations for a "freebies-a...
Is IKEA furniture expensive or affordable to most people?
Ikea is said to be an international home products retailer that sells low-price products, including furniture, accessories, bathrooms and kitchens at retail stores around the world. However, for some people the price is quite expensive. What do you think?
Answer: I believe Ikea has a lot of items that are cheap, but that doesn't make them affordable. They advertise that they are inexpensive because they use a cookie cutter process to make their items, but to me, a $1000 bedroom set is indeed expensive, especially if you'll have to buy another one in a couple years due to its poor quality.
Yes, they have $5.00 lamps and $10.00 tables, but what good does it do your pocketbook to buy these items if they'll just break and need replacing?
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
IKEA builds a neighborhood to show how it should be done ...
Ikea builds a neighborhood to show how it should be done Published: Friday, December 23, 2011, 3:33 PM Updated: Friday, December 23, 2011, 4:02 PM
How do I take care of my IKEA plants?
I bought several Ikea plants and I want them to last as long as possible, how do I take care of them?
The plants are as follows:
1) Ivy
2) Cactus (Two..one tiny round and one large with lots of "arms")
3) Tall palm-tree like tropical floor plant (three in one pot).
4) Tree-like plant has three thick stems that intertwine to make one "trunk".
4) Unidentifiable generic house plant #1
5) Unidentifiable generic house plant #2
6) Unidentifiable generic house plant #3
7) Unidentifiable generic house plant #2
If you can help with any of these I would be greatful, I have photos of them. Does Ikea have a plant guide or anything?
Thank you.
Answer: In general, except for the cacti, keep them in strong light, but not in direct sunlight (you can put the cacti there!); feed with a balanced fertilizer such as Miracle Gro for foliage plants. Keep the soil moist, but not wet; NEVER let your plants sit in water for more than an hour. Make sure that there's plenty of humidity in the air, especially around the palm; if you see the tips of leaves turning brown, the humidity is almost certainly too low. Conversely, if you see the stems or leaves going yellow, they're getting too much water.
For the cactus, warm and dry is the important thing. Don't water very often, and NEVER let it stand in water.
The plant with the intertwined trunks sounds a lot like a ficus benjamina ("fiddle-leaf fig"); it's not a fig at all, of course. They are VERY picky about how much light they need; they may also lose a lot of leaves when they're moved. Give them as MUCH light as possible without putting them in direct sunlight.
They should all do well at the same temperatures that you like. The ivy in particular, if it's a pothos variety, will be very forgiving. Many varieties of pothos can be grown in water alone, but that's not necessary, of course. The directions above should work nicely.
Good luck, and enjoy :-)
Category: Garden & Landscape
IKEA Business - Office Furniture & Workspace Solutions - IKEA ...
Ikea is for your business too. See great solutions and inspiration that can help you create a better life at work.
Substance And Spectacle
YOU can complain all you want about the art-world money-go-round and the celebrity circus spinning in its widening gyre. Prices are up; so are mentions of Art Basel Miami on Page Six. Artworks seem only to get bigger and shinier, and spectacle -- participatory or not -- is becoming the new normal at museum exhibitions of contemporary art. Note the - Roberta Smith roundup of standout New York City art exhibitions of 2011. Photo (M)1 - By ROBERTA SMITH
How do I install IKEA track lighting where traditional track lighting existed previously?
My apartment formerly had traditional track lighting, but now all thats left is a live end connector sticking out of the wall (not sure if its H, J, or L standard); even the track itself is gone. Im thinking of purchasing Ikeas "Termosfar" track lighting system to use at the same location but am not sure how to figure out what additional parts will be needed to install the low-voltage Ikea system into the existing infrastructure. Help! :-)
Answer: most light fittings , need a bracket , it comes with the light fitting , it will require you to instal lthe bottom bracket , then install the track, then the cover plate,
very easy, make sure you use wire nuts
i hope you feel enlighted lol
Category: Do It Yourself (DIY)
IKEA Hackers: IKEA for lizard
It all started when I was working the morning shift in the Ikea of Groningen (NL). I had to drive in the pallets of Tundra laminated floors. On top of the pile was a complete sheet of Tundra, for protection. I knew I could use it for ...
IKEA Day after Christmas shopping 5 days of savings plus kids eat free: ad scans
Ikea announced their after Christmas specials today December 24, 2011 and they are it is offering a deal of the day for the five days following Christmas in case you havent already gotten enough shopping. Kids also eat for free all five days of the sale ...
IKEA Coupon Codes :: FREE $1,000 IKEA Gift Card
Not only have Ikea regarded whatever you would need concerning home furniture, equipments and furnishings with the office and home they also have considered the cost ...
IKEA | Catalog
Ikea Home, Ikea, furniture, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, decorations.
ART IN REVIEW; Mathew Cerletty: Susan
Algus Greenspon 71 Morton Street, West Village Through Dec. 17 Viewers unfamiliar with Mathew Cerlettys art might take him for a realist painter of domestic subjects working in the Precisionist, photography-based vein of Charles Sheeler. But ulterior motives animate the paintings in this slyly riddling show. Ikea is a color-coordinated still - Ken Johnson reviews paintings by Mathew Cerletty at Algus Greenspon gallery. Photo (M)5 - By KEN JOHNSON
IKEA opened at the wrong time | 2Bangkok.com
[The joke is that the reader's assumption is that Ikea opened at the wrong time because of the flooding. However, the person says it is because of politicians who rushed to Singapore to negotiate with Thaksin about cabinet ...
How long will IKEA cabinets hold up in a rental kitchen?
I want to use nice bright modern looking Ikea cabinets for a few apartment rentals. Most people go with Home depot chapie oak wood cabinets that look tacky and heavy in the space. Do the Home Depot Cabinets hold up better than the Ikea cabinets or can I get away with the more contemporary Ikea cabinets?
Answer: Particle board construction will not hold up very well over the long term. It doesn't matter who the manufacturer is. You can expect the cabinets to degrade drastically after about five years of rental abuse.
Category: Maintenance & Repairs
Museum and Gallery Listings for Dec. 23-29
Art Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: nytimes.com/art . Museums Asia Society and Museum: ‘Sarah Sze: Infinite Line’ (through March 25) Promising a new angle on Sarah Sze’s mesmerizing, minutely detailed installations, this midcareer solo reveals that Ms. Sze, who is
Childrens Furniture - Kids, Toddler & Baby - IKEA
Visit us for fun and durable children's furniture at great prices. We have everything from cribs and quilts to toys and clever storage solutions.
IKEA: Manland--Best of 2011 PD/OOH #6 - Video - Creativity Online
Ikea Australia came up with the concept of Manland - a creche where husbands and boyfriends who hate shopping can hang out.
Israelis Paying The Price For Imported Goods
Over the last decade, many imported clothing and furniture retailers have entered the Israeli marketplace, from European retailers Zara, Mango, Zip, H&M, Ikea and Kika to U.S. retailers American Apparel, Crocs, Payless, Columbia Sportswear and The Gap.
Home furnishings, kitchens, beds, sofas - IKEA
Ikea Featuring Scandinavian modern style furniture and accessories. Include storage options, lighting, decor products, kitchen appliances and beds.
Home - IKEA
The price of this item includes a contribution to a Product recycling fund to ensure that waste electrical and electronic equipment is collected and recycled in a ...
India to Ease Retail Rules For Foreign Companies
MUMBAI -- The Indian government decided on Thursday to allow foreign retailers like Wal-Mart and Tesco to open stores in the country, the first time that policy makers have moved to open Indias vast and fast-growing retail market to outsiders. The long-awaited decision by the cabinet of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will allow retailers who sell - Indian government will allow foreign retailers to open stores in country for first time, opening vast and long-protected market; rule allows retailers that sell multiple brands, like Wal-Mart and Tesco, to control up to 51 percent stake of their Indian operations in partnership with an Indian investor; continues to bar single-brand stores like Apple and Nike. Photo (M) - By VIKAS BAJAJ; Motoko Rich contributed reporting from New York.
Living Room Furniture - Sofas, Coffee Tables & Inspiration - IKEA
Visit us for beautiful living room furniture at low prices. We have everything from sofas and armchairs to coffee tables and TV cabinets in lots of styles.
IKEA | Shop for IKEA at ShopStyle
Ikea clothes, shoes, & jewelry at ShopStyle. Shop popular stores to find Ikea clothes, shoes, & jewelry on sale - all in one place. Create and share looks based on ...
India Backtracks on a Plan To Let In Foreign Retailers
NEW DELHI -- Facing a harsh political reaction that has paralyzed the Indian Parliament, the governing Congress Party announced on Wednesday that it would suspend plans to allow foreign multibrand retailers like Wal-Mart to open stores in India. The decision, announced in Parliament, was a setback for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and seemed - Indias governing Congress Party, facing a harsh political backlash that has paralyzed Parliament, buckles on a decision to allow major companies like Wal-Mart or Ikea to open stores in the country; decision is setback for Prime Min Manmohan Singh as well as foreign retailers. Photos (M) - By JIM YARDLEY
Home furnishings, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses - IKEA
Ikea Home furnishings, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses
Bedroom Furniture - Beds, Mattresses & Inspiration - IKEA
Visit us for well-designed bedroom furniture at low prices. We have everything from beds to bed frames, mattresses, wardrobes and more in lots of styles.
OPINION; The Famine Next Time
Cambridge, Mass. THIS past summer I came across a camel that had lost its hump. After a long journey in search of pasture, the beast was swaying beside a brackish well, its ribs and hip bones showing. The hump hung flaccid off its back like a deflated balloon. I was in northern Kenya, which is suffering through the worst drought to hit the Horn of - Health reporter Samuel Loewenberg Op-Ed article, prompted by failure of international response to help drought-induced famine in Somalia and other countries in Africa, concedes that while droughts cannot be stopped, the economics that link drought and famine can be upended; cites common misconception that hunger crises are about a lack of food, but holds they are really the result of such dire poverty among people who have so little that when things turn bad, they have no recourse. Photo (M) - A Nieman Foundation global health reporting fellow at Harvard. The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting provided a travel grant for the reporting of this essay. - By SAMUEL LOEWENBERG
With Economy Slowing, the Indian Rupee Tumbles
MUMBAI, India -- For several months, India has suffered the double misfortune of a slowing economy and high inflation. Now, it has another problem: a rapidly depreciating currency. The value of the rupee has fallen nearly 14 percent, to 52.21 against the dollar, since the end of August as investors have stepped back from the Indian economy and many - Indian rupee has fallen nearly 14 percent, to 52.21 against the dollar, since the end of August as investors have stepped back from the Indian economy and many traders have stepped up bets against the currency; foreign investment has fallen sharply since June. (M)1 - By VIKAS BAJAJ; Heather Timmons contributed reporting from New Delhi.
Santa, try the front door
Clever economics Dr. Sheryl Dobenko can usually be found treating patients in her busy Ottawa-area medical practice, but when Dec. 1 rolled around, you would have likely found her at Ikea in the parking lot, sourcing out the best deal on Christmas trees in town.
Inter IKEA Systems B.V. - Welcome
The Ikea Franchisor homepage, entry point to information about the Ikea Concept and franchising
IKEA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ikea is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture such as beds and desks, appliances and home ...
The Listings
Art Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: nytimes.com/art. Museums Bronx Museum of the Arts: Muntadas: Information>>Space>>Control (through Jan. 16) For more than three decades Antoni Muntadas, who goes by the single name Muntadas, has been addressing modern methods of supervising unruly
I bought a bookshelf from IKEA and I put the top shelf in the wrong way and hammered the nails in?
Now the untreated wood is facing the front, it looks ridiculous. Does Ikea have replacement parts like this, or are they too efficient and cheap to provide such a service.
Answer: You should be able to remove the nails from the back and turn the shelf around. Fill the holes with matching color wood filler - if it is white, spackling might do the trick.
Category: Maintenance & Repairs
Galley Girl: Eric Weiner’s ‘IKEA God’ and a Pack of Publishing Old-Timers
Publishing reporter Andrea Sachs writes about the book industry here every weekend. Growing up, Eric Weiner was hardly a soldier in the army of the Lord. He describes his family as “gastronomical Jews” (think bagels, lox and latkes) who ...
Union workers at IKEA subsidiary Swedwood Danville ratify 3-year contract
DANVILLE, Va. (AP) — Union workers at an Ikea subsidiarys plant in Virginia have approved a three-year contract. The Danville Register and Bee (http://bit.ly/rpM9Pr ) says members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace ...
How long does IKEA home delivery take?
I am thinking of either hiring a van or getting home delivery from Ikea. I will be buying a bed, waredrobe, mattress and a chest of drawers. Do they do next day delivery and at what cost?
Its the Thurrock Lakeside Branch in the UK
Answer: I had a load of stuff delivered from the Nottingham Ikea, it cost £25 but the van actually got to my house before I did...and the nice men squashed my new sofa into the lift and got it into my flat, which i would have never managed by myself...I found it a good service but I think it's outsourced so I think it might vary from store to store and may depend on where you live.
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
Jake Dysons Desk Lamp of the Future
I myself own a variant on the Anglepoise, mine being a cheapie imitation from Ikea that I use to illuminate the workbench where I do motor repairs and the like. I have it mounted to a fixture in the wall to provide added height, and I find the swing-arm ...
IKEA - Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice
When Roger Penguino heard Ikea was offering $4,000 in gift certificates to the first person in line at the opening of its new Atlanta store, he had no choice.
IKEA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ikea is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture such as beds and desks, appliances and home accessories.
Has anyone experienced discoloration on their white IKEA leather?
I bought two white/cream Ikea leather chairs. The chairs are fine, but the leather seemed to get very dirty within the first week. Its almost like it is colors being worn off onto the leather. I have tried several remedies and nothing gets rid of it.
Answer: This could be caused by several things.
Cream leather will always show the effects of dye transfer from clothing etc. This may give it a greyish blue tinge.
If you have been trying 'several remedies' this could alos have done some damage to the finish.
Leather, especially pale leather needs protecting with a fluorochemical water based protector (acts like a scotchgard) to help inhibit dirt and dye transfer and make cleaning easier.
Once dye transfer has built up you will need a special cleaner to get it clean (Maxi Cleaner was formulated for this problem) the longer it is left the harder it will be to clean as the dye will travel into the leather finish.
Unfortunately the Ikea cleaning products do not work as protectors so will not be effective to help with this problem.
See this link for more info on dye transfer
If you are in the UK you can contact us for more help and advice if you want.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
Guitar hero! Kristen Stewart splashes out on two rare instruments for Robert Pattinson to the tune of $12,000
He was last week spotted at L.A store, TINI - which stands for This Is Not Ikea - purchasing a vintage movie poster for his girlfriend. The framed $75 picture, for the 1965 film I, A Woman, stars Swedish actress Essy Persson, who bares a striking ...
Russia Accuses IKEA Manager Of Extorting A Bribe
Russian authorities accused a Swedish manager of a scandal-plagued unit of Ikea International A/S of attempting to extort a bribe from a local businessman who wanted to rent space at one of the retail giant’s shopping centers. The Wall ...
IKEA Inter Systems B.V.
An acronym standing for "I Kowtow to Egregious Australians," Ikea makes and sell flat-pack furniture
IKEA to Build Third Store in Israel
While its second store outside Netanya is still being rebuilt after a devastating fire last year, Ikea on Tuesday announced plans for a third Israeli store – this one to be built in Kiryat Ata, a highly populated suburb of Haifa. The announcement Tuesday ...
What subway systems gives you an IKEA card holder pouch when you purchase a ticket?
Im doing a report on advertising in subways and I remember in class someone showing an Ikea card pouch they got when they bought their pass. Can anyone tell me what country this is in and maybe provide some extra info.
Answer: I have one I got in London while getting a pass for the tube from Heathrow. I am not sure if it was that one station only or if it is the entire system, but it was in a bright yellow soft vinyl bi-fold jacket about the size of a credit card. Hope this helps!
Category: Other - Advertising & Marketing
Why should we have to buy the bags to take home our purchases from IKEA?
Ikea charges customers in Europe for the bags. Now Ikea is forcing that idea on US customers. I refused to pay and was grudgingly given the bags for free. But first, the manager tried to rationalize the fee by saying: We do it in our European stores. Then he said Ikea wanted to encourage (force) Americans to stop using plastic bags in the interest of ecology. Finally, he claimed that Ikea was giving the money to an environmental group. Instead of paying for the plastic bags, we could buy an Ikea shopping bag and carry around Ikeas logo. Be honest Ikea, and admit you have found a way to make more profit, and get a tax break on a charitable donation. We dont need Ikea dictating to Americans how to conserve. I recycle everything; I drive a compact car. I turn off a/c at home even when I’m hot. I use biodegradable detergents and sustainable growth products.AND I recycle plastic bags! I can make my own decisions on how to conserve without being dictated to by Ikea. Can’t you?
My point is I do not want to lug around a bag, especially if it is giving free advertizing to a business. My car is full enough of junk as it is. The new plastic bags are biodegradable. Besides, how many bags would I need to bring to take home some of the larger items? No, the goverment in not making stores do this. San Francisco tried to legislate it and it was resisted.
Answer: I'm with you. I hate the hypocrisy of companies who exploit the environmental issues while deceiving their customers. Only the foolish would really beleive all Ikea's advertising hype.
Does it occur to people that American, and European, jobs have been outsourced to China, India, etc. Who is doing the outsourcing? Companies like Ikea! Sure, Ikea's stuff has nice designs, but it does not have the quality of American and European goods.
This baloney about plasic bags is just another example of the exploiting of environmental issues to gain publicity and a (fake) good guy image.
Someone compared Ikea to WalMart. It reminds me of when I told my Mom that my friend had an ever lower score on a test than I did. My mom reminded me that it was how well, or badly, I did that she was interested in! My friend's low score didn't make my score good.
Yes, I can make my own decisions, like voting for someone who recognises how huge SUVs are increasing oil use and causing pollution, without the help of Ikea or anyone else.
Category: Other - Home & Garden
The City IKEA Built - Neighborhoods - The Atlantic Cities
The home retail giant is building a walkable, mostly car-free neighborhood in East London.
Can you use a normal mattress and boxspring on an IKEA bedframe?
I have a queen size mattress and boxspring and I wanted to get an Ikea bedframe, but it looks like they sell special mattresses with them (that dont look all the comfortable) and I was just wondering if anyone uses a normal set with an Ikea bedframe or knows if theres a reason you wouldnt be able to?
Thanks so Much!
Answer: Some of Ikea's beds do not fit standard bedding. Measure carefully. There is no one size fits all answer.
Also, have you purchased Ikea's furniture before? You should know that it does not hold up well at all - to usage or even to the pasage of time. It warps, veneers pop off and chip, draws do not function.... The style is cool, but you can do better - at similar value pricing.
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
DBJs top 11 business news stories for 2011
As Niobrara fever builds, so does the debate over fracking. Ikea opens; banks close. As 2011 comes to a close, we offer a look back at the 11 business news stories covered by the Denver Business Journal through the year, in print and online ...
IKEA | Store Locator
Ikea Home, Ikea, furniture, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, decorations
Can I use an IKEA platform bed frame with my sleep number bed?
HI, I am getting a sleep number bed on Friday for xmas, but didnt want to get their boxspring thing for more, someone is selling an Ikea platform bed frame, it looks like it could work, but does anyone know for sure? Thanks!
Answer: if the measurements add up then there is no reason why it wouldn't!!
get the measurements of your bed and the platform and see if they are the same or close enough!
good luck!
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
The Listings
Art Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: nytimes.com/art. Museums American Folk Art Museum: Super Stars: Quilts From the American Folk Art Museum (through Dec. 18) This location is featuring 20 quilts in which stars figure in some way, whether as pieced-together geometric forms or as
IKEA Hackers: Expedit cutting table on wheels
4. Place the Expedits on to the base. Two back-to-back, and one at the end. Try to make everything fit as nicely as possible. Mine didn't fit perfectly square (I blame it on Ikea engineering), but close enough that it doesn't bother ...
25-cent champagne flutes at IKEA on Friday, plus kids eat free through Sunday
Kids eat free at Ikea through Sunday, Jan. 1. Shop while kids enjoy the Småland play place and later have lunch upstairs where children under 12 can pick a combo meal valued at $2.49. No purchase necessary, but the limit is one meal per child. On Friday ...
IKEA - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
An acronym standing for "I Kowtow to Egregious Australians," Ikea makes and sell flat-pack furniture
Book review: Karaoke Culture by Dubravka Ugreši
In the first half of the book, she writes of karaoke culture, YouTube, Obama, Internet surfing, the sex trade in Hong Kong, travel, minibars and Ikea. Later essays focus on Croatia and the powerful (and to her distasteful) idea of nation and ...
Kitchens & Kitchen Accessories - IKEA
Visit us for well-designed kitchens and kitchen equipment at low prices. Create your entire kitchen from scratch or choose from a big range of appliances.
what are your opinions of IKEA kitchen cabinets and appliances?
we are planning to remodel our kitchen with Ikea cabinets and appliances and would love any advice and opinions on them, Thank you.
Also I would like to ask if anyone that has used them has children? Sometimes this can make a difference.
Answer: I redid my entire kitchen with them last winter and am quite pleased. VEry good bang for the buck. The appliances are mostly made for Ikea by Whirlpool anyway and I have always had good luck with that brand. I went to various kitchen contractor showrooms and inspected and priced a wide variety of options and settled on Ikea for the consistency of the finishes, quality of fittings, availability, price and ease of installation, most of which I did myself.
I used the Nexus medium brown with the anthracite matte black slide in electric range, matching gas cooktop and rangehood, plus the farmhouse slide in sink and highrise satin stainless faucet with flexible pull out. Also did the laminate counter top, black-brown with the stainless edging.
Everybody raves about how it looks and I love using it. Very well designed.
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
IKEA appoints first British head of UK
Ian Duffy, who was the first Ikea store manager in Britain, has been appointed as UK & Ireland country manager, replacing Martin Hansson, a Swedish national. Ikea first came to the UK back in 1987, opening a shop in Warrington. The original store manager ...
Home furnishings, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses - IKEA
Ikea Home furnishings, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses.
Does IKEA market their kitchen cabinets under different names?
Ive been shopping around for an apt in New York. I noticed that many of the new developments use cabinets that look just like Ikea cabinets. Same look, same construction, same hardware. They just use nicer fronts and countertops. But the name of the manufacturer is different on the little name plates inside. I know this because I installed a full Ikea kitchen recently. Are these cabinets really Ikea cabinets with the brand name changed? I would love to get to the bottom of this.
Answer: The manufacturers are getting supplies from similar sources and selling to different retailers. They all look the same because this is what has been popularized.
Category: Other - Home & Garden
IKEA | Catalog
Ikea Home, Ikea, furniture, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, decorations
Welcome to IKEA.com - IKEA
Welcome to Ikea.com: affordable solutions for better living: Select your location: Europe
How long is an IKEA product in stores before it is discontinued?
Im wanting an item out of the 2010 catalog, but wont be able to get to an Ikea store to purchase it until this December. Will it be available until then? How long do they keep a particular item on their shelves before it is discontinued?
Answer: It depends on the item, how many of them they have on hand, and most importantly, how well it sells. Some things have been in their stores for years and others only last one season. You'd have to ask a manager there for their opinion on the specific product. They may not have an exact answer, but they should be able to tell you whether they thought it was selling well and if they had a lot of them in stock. Of course, just because it is selling well at that particular store, it doesn't mean it is all over the country. When I worked at Home Depot I could check the computer to see how many of an item any store had on hand (probably), as well as up to date sales data.
December isn't that far away and its an Ikea, not a shoe or clothing store, so you are probably okay. But if you're that concerned, you should consider figuring out a way to get the thing sooner rather than later, because in retail, it's difficult for the overworked and underpaid sales people to know what the corporate officers are thinking.
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
Welcome to IKEA.com - IKEA
Featuring Scandinavian modern style furniture and accessories. Include storage options, lighting, decor products, kitchen appliances and pet care.
IKEA is Developing its Own London Neighborhood
Ikea is going into the business of selling walls, floors and roofs, in addition to furniture, housewares and rugs. Inter Ikea Holding Services, the intellectual property owners of the home-goods retail monolith, recently announced plans to build an entire ...
Friday Freebies to ring in the new year
Offer good 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., inside only. Kids under 12 can get a free combo meal at Ikea every day, now through Jan. 1. No adult purchase necessary. All Whole Foods Market stores in Montgomery County will be handing out free reusable bags on Jan. 1 ...
Luxembourg & Dayan 64 East 77th Street Manhattan Through Jan. 14 “Grisaille,” organized by the writer and curator Alison Gingeras, breathes life into a stodgy-sounding bit of art terminology. Its title refers to a painting method that dates to the 14th century and was sometimes used to imitate sculpture. Here, though, it’s applied - By KAREN ROSENBERG
wat time does Ikea open and close on sunday in pilly pa
Answer: Monday-Saturday: 10am-9pm; and Sunday: 11am-7pm. Ikea is closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
IKEA - ?!?!?!?!?
I went to Ikea at the weekend for a Bin and spent £200 - i get my house on friday and i still have loads to get - i want to know how they do that to you
has it ever happened to you?? xxx
Answer: It's because they have so much cool stuff! I went in for a couple of bookcases and came out with a corner cabinet, end tables, a coffee table and a CD cabinet as well as several little bits. However, in my defense, the closest Ikea to where I live is over seven hours away, so, I do have to make the most of my trips to Ikea.
Category: Decorating & Remodeling
The Best in IKEA HacksBest of 2011 | Apartment Therapy Unplggd
We love our Ikea hacks since the furniture is moderately affordable and easily modified to suit our needs, whatever they might be. While the standard all-Ikea look might look dated, there's nothing stopping you from hacking ...
Camino a Ikea..... Otra vez.... OmaigaT
From: cleopatrasoren - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
@worthasin ich habe meine Kommode quer durch Berlin geschleppt. Ikea kann auch etwas unhandlich sein ;) zumindest ohne Auto ;)
From: jmnoack - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@boostagile @JudeSkywalkerr @josephhohmann @JUSTICEJECLAW @RoxanaVoinea http://t.co/WVsjCgpY #Ikea gift card
From: javierodcia - Source: Mobile Web
Ugh why is it every single time I decided to use twitter I get mentions telling me I can have a free Ikea gift card, day at a spa or iPhone4
From: nebalend - Source: Echofon
Someone take me to Ikea please
From: Erinfhjdbngjskj - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @hughozemn: @imaELFsparkyu @AmAyRirOcKsTaR @Raphael_Caprile @newsinengland @Langford18 http://t.co/a6gpe12G #Ikea gift card
From: imaELFsparkyu - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
@rlizares @TOcityrealty @GabitchDoDougie @FollowtheLawyer @Bloggershunger http://t.co/oUd56tQh #Ikea gift card
From: javierodcia - Source: Mobile Web
The #Ikea kitchen advert on #Youtube is doing my head in
From: DoThe_Pachacuti - Source: web
@justinde_ath Yeah. Could get expensive buying something from Ikea the day before every home game. #runningoutofexcuses
From: pcoops44 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
nunca pensé que fuera tan friki...calculando el volumen de los tarros en el Ikea..
From: HipasoMetaponto - Source: Mobile Web
RT @avistny1o: @Yousef_E @yesRAE @Pervertuka @7raGuh @GuckRuhigSusse http://t.co/QvLruTuW #Ikea gift card
From: 7raGuh - Source: Mobile Web
Im at Ikea (9800 E Ikea Way, at I-25 & County Line, Centennial) w/ 17 others http://t.co/k2vaLnkp
From: jejacob - Source: foursquare
@Hitsportsnet @LeeHadden @18thOf_NOvEMbER @NewEarthquake @andieallthetime http://t.co/kmgyBFj2 #Ikea gift card
From: javierodcia - Source: Mobile Web
RT @JesusWeekes: @PoisonousHannur @InfinityOnL0w IM NOT AFRAID TO THROW A CHAIR, IT WAS FROM Ikea, SO I DONT CARE!
From: InfinityOnL0w - Source: Mobile Web
RT @ciego10: Ikea hat die Hotdog Preise auf 1,50 € erhöht! Sauerei!
From: tini95 - Source: web