Ed Miliband and NICK CLEGG to open bakery together
Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg both had an even messier Thursday night than your mum did; their respective parties being thoroughly obliterated in a surprise majority win for the Tories. ���It was devastating��� said Miliband, ���but Im��.
Nick Clegg: a cruel and punishing night for the Liberal Democrats - video
Following his re-election in his constituency of Sheffield Hallam, Nick Clegg says he is honoured to have the confidence of his supporters, adding that he will work for everyone in his constituency. The Liberal Democrat leader also cast his role with.
The Decline of the ‘Lib-Dems’ in Britain
After watching the party contort its policies and its principles, voters concluded it was not such a good idea.
Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg still locked in tight battles to.
Will there be a Portillo moment on election night with any of the party leaders? Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage are two most likely leaders to lose and Lord Ashcroft has polled Sheffield Hallam and South Thanet to find out how��.
Briton Calls for Inquiry Into Abuses in Iraq War
Responding to the release of documents by WikiLeaks, the deputy prime minister said that any abuses committed by British troops “need to be looked at.”
Tips for Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage on life after leadership
The hours after the British election saw three party leaders fall in quick succession. Within minutes of each other, Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage and Ed Miliband all announced that they would be stepping down. What happens next for those leaders and MPs.
No. 2 Leader Unveils Plan to Overhaul British Politics
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg proposed steps to curb the prime minister’s power to call new elections and revise the voting system, among other measures.
Deportation Case Presents Test of British Government
The immigration case thrust the new coalition government of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats into an issue that starkly exposes their differing approaches to a major policy issue.
British Hold a Chance for E.U. Change
A coalition government that includes Nick Clegg could push for greater involvement with the rest of Europe.
Coalition Governing Could Be Britain’s New Normal Despite Liberal Democrats’ Troubles
Before 2010, Britons had largely dismissed political alliances, like the Liberal Democrats’ coalition with the dominant Conservatives, as chaotic and messy.. Unlikely coalition between Britains Liberal Democrats and dominant Conservatives has functioned surprisingly well, navigating policy differences, putting in place austerity measures and presiding over modest economic growth; success has surprised many Britons who associated such alliances with political chaos.
Britain Plans a Review of Takeover Practices
Britains business secretary, Vince Cable, attacked unfettered capitalism on Wednesday and introduced plans to review corporate governance and the takeover process, Reuters reported.. Britains business secretary, Vince Cable, attacked unfettered capitalism on Wednesday and unveiled plans to review the way companies are governed and how takeovers work, Reuters reported.
David Cameron has a razor-thin majority. Hes going to miss Nick Clegg.
First Past the Post: delivering strong, single party, decisive governments. Except when it doesnt. We are now looking at five years with a Prime Minister who holds what can only be described as a razor-thin majority. Election night felt like 1992. It.
Nick Clegg and the second strange death of Liberalism.
Alastair Stephens on how Nick Clegg managed to wreck both his party and the project that was the purpose of the coalition - to make coalitions an acceptable part of British politics.
Watch Live: NICK CLEGG statement after party losses
The former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is to make a statement about his position after election results that saw the Liberal Democrat representation in the House of Commons slashed. Cabinet ministers Danny Alexander, Vince Cable and Ed Davey lost .
Nick Clegg on why London still needs the Lib Dems.
While David Cameron and Ed Miliband are in ferocious denial about a hung parliament on Friday, Nick Clegg approaches the end of the week sanguine with statesmanship. He believes he carries the fortunes of the country��.
Liberal Democrats Dealt Huge Blow in Britain Votes
In a humiliating defeat for the Liberal Democrats, voters rejected a proposal to reform the electoral system — a flagship policy for the party.
A Governing Coalition, Increasingly, of the Unwilling
With unease in both parties, Britain’s first peacetime coalition government in nearly 70 years has come to resemble a leaky boat in heaving seas.
Nick Cleggs future and Lib Dem power are hanging in the.
It could trigger a party revolt, but the Lib Dem leader is upbeat about a continuing coalition ��� but first he has to hold on to his own seat.
NICK CLEGG resigns as Liberal Democrat leader
Nick Clegg resigns as Lib Dem leader (Reuters). The Liberal Democrats held just eight seats on Friday morning - down from 57 - with 10 constituencies still undeclared. Senior figures including Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, and Danny Alexander.
Protesters occupy the roof of Nick Cleggs Sheffield office
���Mr Clegg has been in the media saying this election is about party politics and not about the people, so we have taken him up on the challenge and will focus on Mr Clegg. ���He has been in the balance of power for the last five years and done nothing to.
Britain’s Coalition Cabinet Begins Battle of the Budget
The new coalition government held its first cabinet meeting, seeking to demonstrate that its members could work together despite ideological differences.
NICK CLEGG: education funding policy is Lib Dem deal-breaker
Nick Clegg has said that the Liberal Democrats would not enter into a coalition with a party that refused to implement its education funding policy, setting out the first of a series of ���red lines��� which he will announce in the days��.
Cracks in British Governing Coalition as House of Lords Overhaul Falls Apart
The proposed changes would have nearly cut in half the size of the upper chamber, from 826 to 450 members, and made 80 percent of the body elective by 2025.. Britain’s two governing parties, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, have abandoned attempts to overhaul the House of Lords, development that many see as evidence of the growing fragility of the coalition government; proposed changes would have cut the size of the upper chamber from 826 to 450 members, and made 80 percent of the body elective by 2025.
Signs of a Rift in British Coalition Over European Union
Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats, said that risking British membership in the union was perilous.
Partner in British Coalition Criticizes Cameron’s Veto on Europe Treaty
The junior partner in the coalition government, whose party favors closer links to the Continent, said the veto put Britain in danger of being marginalized.. Britains Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, junior partner in coalition government, criticizes decision by Prime Minister David Cameron to veto proposed European treaty, arguing that it leaves Britain in danger of being isolated and marginalized during Europes financial crisis; remarks are seen by many as sign of serious division within the countrys coalition government.
A 14-year-old actually asked NICK CLEGG if he would kill.
A teenager has asked a very honest question to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg about controversial columnist Katie Hopkins.
Agreeing With NICK CLEGG, When It Suits
When the Liberal Democrats were kingmakers in elections last year, agreement with the partys leader, Nick Clegg, was the passport to power -- but few support him now.
The Power of Two
If its improbable coalition government delivers on promised reforms, Britain will become freer and fairer.
Bank of England Urges Cuts in Bank Pay and Dividends
7:33 p.m. | Updated. Focusing on strengthening bank capital, Britains central bank also took the pre-emptive step of setting up a new lending program - should banks need it - to cope with the European debt crisis.
Nick Clegg resigns after punishing night for Lib Dems.
NICK Clegg has resigned as Liberal Democrat leader following a.
Deputy PM Nick Clegg resigns, as Liberal Democrats.
Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, has resigned, after his party suffered ���catastrophic losses��� in the UK General Election.
Nick Clegg resigns as leader of the Liberal Democrats ��� video
Nick Clegg resigns as leader of the Liberal Democrats after his party was nearly wiped out in the general election. Clegg, who served as deputy prime minister for five years, says: The results have been immeasurably more crushing and unkind than I.
Coalition plans to increase tuition fees to ��11,500 a year.
Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, refuses to rule out higher charges for undergraduates in response to questions from shadow home secretary.
52 minutes that shook Britain: Miliband, Clegg and Farage all resign in.
Its an hour which will go down in history as Britains landscape changes forever, choosing what Nick Clegg called the politics of Us vs Them. And the hour ended with what the nation expected least of all - a Tory majority. This is what the party.
Britain Will Force Convicted Rioters to Clean Up
Rioters and looters convicted following violent unrest that convulsed Britain this month will be made to wear orange jumpsuits and help clean up areas affected by their disorder.
City of London Experts React Favorably to Con-Lib Coalition
Not only does Britain have the uncertainty of a new government to contend with, but also the fact that a near unprecedented coalition of two ideologically divergent parties now sits at its helm.. The show of unity between Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and his Liberal Democrat deputy Nick Clegg on Wednesday appears to have gone some way to allaying the Citys fears of an unstable government, The Guardian reported, in a selective survey of analysts and experts.
General Election 2015: John Hemming calls on Nick Clegg to quit after losing.
The MP of ten years claimed his loss to Labour rival Jess Phillips was a result of the air war which saw the Liberal Democrats routed throughout the country. And he called for Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg to stand down following the disastrous night and.
Good Morning, and Good Luck
David Cameron and Nick Clegg lift Britain’s mood, but can they overcome a dire economic inheritance?
We have been losing the war on drugs for four decades.
Colombian police officers seize 440 kg of cocaine. Photograph: Raul Arboleda/AFP/Getty Images. Nick Clegg and Richard Branson. Tuesday 3 March 2015 17.00 EST Last modified on Thursday 2 April 2015 06.39 EDT. Share on Facebook��.
Cookies on the BBC website
In 2000, Mr Clegg married leading commercial lawyer Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, a former Middle East expert at the Foreign Office. The couple, who met while studying at the College of Europe in Bruges, live in south-west London with their three children, .
Election 2015 live: Milibands pledges stone marks Sheffield.
Nick Clegg has indicated that he may be prepared to agree to David Camerons demand for an EU referendum in coalition talks if the Tories grant him concessions on a series of Liberal Democrat ���red lines��� on schools and��.
Youths cautioned after throwing eggs at NICK CLEGGs bus
Police have cautioned three youths in Thurso who were caught throwing eggs at former Lib Dem leader Nick Cleggs battle bus. Police confirmed the three teenagers were cautioned after they were seen pelting the coach, which was parked outside the towns .
GALLERY: All eyes on NICK CLEGGs Sheffield Hallam seat as General Election.
All eyes are on the result of Sheffield Hallam, where Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has a real fight on his hands to hang onto his seat. The first national Exit Polls issued after the polls closed predict a disastrous night for Cleggs Liberal.
NICK CLEGG celebrates same-sex marriage as he steps down.
Following a devastating defeat for the Lib Dems at the general election this week, Nick Clegg has announced his resignation as party leader, noting same-sex marriage as one of the partys greatest achievements.
Britain’s Improbable New Leaders Promise Big Changes
In their first news conference as a governing team, David Cameron and Nick Clegg laid out plans to hold their fragile coalition together amid challenges.
Nick Clegg and wife Miriam vote in general election - wearing Coalition yellow.
But if you go by the Liberal Democrat leaders shirt-and-tie combo, he wont just stay an MP - hell be in line for another coalition too. Mr Clegg and his lawyer wife Miriam Gonz��lez Dur��ntez have arrived hand-in-hand to vote, both wearing a.
Watch moment schoolboy asks NICK CLEGG if he can get Katie
This is the moment a schoolboy asks Nick Clegg whether he can arrest Katie Hopkins or get her killed.
David Cameron re-elected as Ed Miliband, NICK CLEGG, Nigel Farage resign
David Cameron has returned to Downing Street as Prime Minister, and three political leaders have fallen on their swords, after an extraordinary election night in Britain. The Tories out-performed even their own expectations by winning a majority of.
Election 2015 live: Miliband reveals first coalition red line to.
The prime minister is currently on a non-stop 36-hour tour of the UK, which will see him talking to nightshift workers as he campaigns through the small hours, while Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg is embarking on a 1,000-mile��.
Lib Dems complain BBC reneged on TV debates deal with.
The Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg. Party sources say he was not invited to the 16 April debate because the BBC knew David Cameron would not attend. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA. Patrick Wintour Political editor.
Watch party leaders resignations: Ed Miliband, NICK CLEGG and Nigel Farage.
Nick Clegg resigns as leader of the Liberal Democrats. In a tearful speech, he says the Lib Dems had suffered a catastrophic defeat. Clearly the results have been immeasurably more crushing and unkind than I could ever have feared. For that I must.
History will judge Nick Clegg more kindly than the voters have
Nick Clegg resigns as leader of the Liberal Democrats. In a tearful speech, he says the Lib Dems had suffered a catastrophic defeat. Clearly the results have been immeasurably more crushing and unkind than I could ever have feared. For that I must.