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how to delete others email from my FACEBOOK LOGIN page on facebook.i m using window vista?
how to delete others email from my Facebook login page on facebook.i m using window vista.i tried a lot but i could not
Answer: Depends on your browser.
If you are using IE, Click on Tools', then 'Internet Options'.
Under the 'General' Tab there should be 'Browsing History'. Select the 'Delete' Button next to it.
That should open up a new small window with a bunch of options of what to delete. Make sure 'Form Data' is selected. This is the saved information that has been typed into forms (eg, emails into login pages). Then select 'Delete'.
If you are using Firefox, Click on 'Tools' and from the drop down menu select 'Clear Recent History'.
In the new box that opens up, select 'Details' and a list will drop down. Make sure 'Form and Search History' is selected. Click 'Clear Now'.
The method should be roughly the same for any other browser you might be using.
Category: Facebook
There are adds on my facebook wall and on the FACEBOOK LOGIN page. How do I get rid of them?
For some odd reason I have advertisements (that arent supposed to be on facebook) on my facebook pages and on the Facebook login page. They only seem to appear on one of the computers but not the other. I downloaded a setup thing to download shows on megaupload but then it appeared that nothing happened and it kept asking to download it. So I deleted what I download but the advertisements are still there. What do I do?
Category: Facebook
Facebook reveals its top 20 most shared articles in the UK
Media companies have long been early adopters of Facebook Platform tools, including the Like button, Facebook login, Comments Box, and most recently, the Open Graph, to drive traffic to their sites, engage readers and attract new audiences. Facebook also ...
FACEBOOK LOGIN Home Facebook Home
Mark asks… How can I get on Facebook, Hotmail and Meebo? Please help, I'm desperate!? I'm pretty tired of my dad, I'm 17 and he still doesn't allow me to have my own e-mail. Recently I can't access Facebook, Hotmail.
FACEBOOK LOGIN: all the information you need
This article explains you the basics of Facebook login and it's intended to answer questions like these: How do I sign up to Facebook? How do I login.
What font is used when typing in a web address on Internet Explorer or a FACEBOOK LOGIN?
What font is used when typing in a web address on Internet Explorer or a Facebook login?
Answer: Looks like the plain Times New Roman twelve to me.
Category: Facebook
Hello and welcome to our Facebook login page where we display information on how you can login to Facebook safely using the steps outlined in this page. Tips
Airlines: use Facebook to pick who you sit with
Here’s how it will work. You will be able to login with their Facebook or LinkedIn profiles when you check-in for their flight online. KLM says the service will be available to all passengers checking in online, but you will be able to choose ...
Keeping Online Criminals at Bay
THE Web is a fount of information, a busy marketplace, a thriving social scene -- and a den of criminal activity. Criminals have found abundant opportunities to undertake stealthy attacks on ordinary Web users that can be hard to stop, experts say. Hackers are lacing Web sites -- often legitimate ones -- with so-called malware, which can silently - By RIVA RICHMOND
Facebook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of July 2011, Facebook has more than ...
Rafflecopter Q&A: Facebook vs. Email Login | Rafflecopter
We'd like to answer five common questions that you've asked specifically about the new Rafflecopter Facebook Name/Email login system in a Q&A format:
ok so everytime i try logging into facebook it says "account temporarily unavalible" and like stuff about site maintenance.... it says try back in a few hours. but this has been happening since friday night i couldnt login at all yesterday and now this morning it says the same thing
is there anything i can do to fix this?
is it normal?
Answer: Do a google search on facebook site maintenance limited to the last 24 hours or a week and you will see there is a major problem with one of the databases. I have been down since last Sunday. The site error I see when I sign in is an expanded site maintenance error. They finally acknowledged on Tuesday that they have a problem with one of the databases. There is a pretty good explanation in an article on Cnet, among other places. My husband can sign onto his account just fine. So it is just one database, although I see posts of other people having different, minor problems.
Category: Facebook
How can I delete an email from the list of emails that comes up in FACEBOOK LOGIN?
I dont like the whole list of emails that comes up in the Facebook login email part so does anyone now how I can delete these emails?
Answer: When you log into Facebook, go to you Inbox . Once in, you'll see a list of your emails. Look to the right of each. There will be an "x." Place a check mark in the emails you want to delete and click the "x". Your emails will disappear.
Category: Facebook
How to make your FACEBOOK LOGIN your phone number?
Some of my mates have their Facebook login as their mobile phone number or just their namr. Iive asked then how they do it & they say they didnt do it there mate done it for them. It would be alot easier for me if i could figure out how to do this. Does anyone know? God bless :)
Answer: Its simple you go into Account, Account settings and then password. And change your password to your phone number. But this makes it VERY unsecured as anyone that knows your number can log onto your FB account.
Category: Facebook
AGE 7 AND UNDER 1. Youtube 2. Google 3. Facebook 4. Porn 5. Club Penguin 6. Yahoo 7. Webkinz 8. You Tube 9. Games 10. Miniclip 11. Nick Jr. 12. Youtube.com 13. Gmail 14. Cartoon Network 15. Poptropica and Michael Jackson 17. eBay 18. Disney Channel 19. Cbeebies 20. Hotmail 21. Hannah Montana 22. Lego 23. Disney 24. Yahoo Mail 25. Facebook login AGE
how do I get my FACEBOOK LOGIN put on my favorities?
I would like to put my login to facebook on my favorites so that I can go to it quicker. How do I do this?
Answer: ya you can do lot more thing but my suggestion is add opening URL from your browser or now opera look like some speed dial . this may be thing you can do it more faster
Category: Facebook
Find out if someones logging in to your Facebook account
And because they can use your username (unique URL) to log in, all they need is your password to access your account. Luckily, Facebook recognizes this possibility and has implemented some security tools to ease your worries and help you keep track of any ...
Facebook, Greenpeace agree to truce over renewable energy in data centres
Facebook says it will work with the group to promote clean ... You can also register and/or login to the site and join the conversation by leaving a comment. Rate it yourself by rolling over the stars and clicking when you reach your desired rating.
DIGITAL DOMAIN; Opt-In Rules Are a Good Start
FACEBOOK seems to have finally learned its lesson: Permission is everything. Many Web site visitors are willing to share personal information about themselves -- provided that their consent is obtained first. Consent cannot be presumed, however. Sneaky is not O.K. Facebook appeared to figure this out the hard way: it would make unilateral changes - Randall Stross is an author based in Silicon Valley and a professor of business at San Jose State University. E-mail: stross@nytimes.com. - By RANDALL STROSS
How to get rid of the FACEBOOK LOGIN security check?
Suddenly there is a captcha when I want to log in to facebook, as it says "You have a high number of invalid login attempts for your account." Ive now reset and changed my password, but the captcha check remains... how to get rid of it? it is really annoying (I cant check remember me because its on a shared computer)
Answer: no it doesn't saves ur password
so even if itz a cafe it dosen't matter
or u could contact facebook authorities
Category: Facebook
FACEBOOK LOGIN | www.FACEBOOK LOGIN | Facebook Homepage Login
Help with Facebook login, www.Facebook login, Facebook Homepage Login, Super Logout from Facebook, Quit Facebook, Protecting your Facebook from Hackers, and more!
Facebook to seek dismissal of US mans lawsuit claiming half ownership, says contract is fake
The Facebook attorney said he had planned to seek dismissal in ... You can also register and/or login to the site and join the conversation by leaving a comment. Rate it yourself by rolling over the stars and clicking when you reach your desired rating.
Logging you in to the latest Facebook news. ... At f8 conference Facebook announced a new type of frictionless app called the Open Graph for social media partners ...
How to login multiple facebook accounts ~ Social Media News and ...
Now the question arises Can we Signup more than one Facebook Accounts simultaneously? Many of the users might have tried to Login multiple Facebook Accounts simultaneously in the same browser but it was hard Luck. ...
My FACEBOOK LOGIN tells me that it is under site maintenance wont let me login for over 12 hours now?
When I try to login to facebook it keeps telling me that my profile is under site maintenance. This has been going on for over 12 hours now. What is going on with face book? Is my profile being hacked or what?
Answer: Same thing with me.
I contacted them, and they said this:
We are aware of the problem that you described and apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we do not have a specific date for when this issue will be resolved but hope to fix it as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience.
Thanks for contacting Facebook,
The Facebook Team"
If you're able to get a better answer, let me know. I emailed them again and said this was really unacceptable!!
Category: Facebook
Q & A
Viewing Facebook Via Roku Q.Can you see other parts of Facebook besides just photos on the Roku video set-top box? A. According to the Help section of Rokus site (roku.com/support/faqs), the video players Facebook Channel allows you to see only your photo albums, pictures in which youve been tagged and the photos your Facebook friends have - By J .D. BIERSDORFER
Free Press now using Facebook for comments on Freep.com
This means you will need a Facebook account to participate in our comment threads. Your Freep.com log-in information will still be used to manage subscriptions to our weekly, daily and breaking news e-mail newsletters. If you dont yet subscribe ...
How can i login to facebook on my computer?
My sons computer is out of service until next week we dont live close to each other so he gave me his information to login but it keeps telling me its the wrong e-mail address do i have to logout to make this work i have gone to Facebook login but still cant do it i have to save the farm and crops,Thank-you
Answer: i would log out then try again. if it still doesn't work you have the wrong e-mail because i've never had it tell me that unless i had something wrong.
Category: Facebook
How do I get rid of the FACEBOOK LOGIN for 3000 coins window?
That window pops up every time I log into OMGPOP and it is annoying. I can close it like I have been doing but now its at the point where I'm tired of.
Facebook is without doubt the most popular social networking website on the Internet with millions of users logging in to the site each day. It is only natural that ...
What does it mean when what I am about to type shows up when i try to login to facebook?
HOw long do i have to wait for my facebook to come back??
Why is this happening?
Facebook login
Account Unavailable
Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Answer: Maybe you should try updating your browser.. If not then you should make a new facebook.
Category: Facebook
Facebook is the largest social network site on the planet. Blocked from using Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and other social media websites from your school or ...
Ever since I got a a face book I cant get on, only on my computer, Ive tried changing my password, and it will login for a split second, and then itll say its incorrect. It works on other peoples computers. Is there any software I need? My computer is an HP. Also, my browser says something about the connection being encrypted.
Answer: perhaps you need to upgrade your internet browser
try upgrading your internet explorer browser (if thats the one u have, or whatever browser u have) to the latest version
that might do the trick
o also check ur cookie preferences
right click the internet explorer icon
click properties
then click on the third tab which is Privacy and check ur setttings
sometimes if ur computer blocks cookies ur facebook won't login
Category: Facebook
WordPress Jobs » Blog Archive » Wordpress Expert:FACEBOOK LOGIN ...
Hi,A wordpress expert is required to implement Login through facebook in our wordpress site.Three widgets: A Radio player that plays 10 predefined shoutcast radio stations that a user can select from a drop down menu and ...
How to delete an email from my FACEBOOK LOGIN page on facebook?
My mom wanted to log into my sisters facebook to make sure she was doing the right thing but we couldnt figure out her password, if my sister ever tries to come on this computer she is going to wonder why we tried logging into hers.
can anyone tell me how to delete an email address on Facebook login ... my internet is SAFARi
Answer: Just clear your history, and log in afterward with a different account like urs or somethin'. Anywayz... you should not go into ur sisters account! She needs her privacy and social life. It is very disrepectful towards her. I'd be hell pissed off if MY mum and sis tried to get into my account.../..............
Category: Facebook
Email or Phone: Password: Forgot password? Trouble logging in? Try the alternative login.
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
Ye olde Facebook be a community sarvice that be lettin scurvy dogs keep up with their crew an other scurvy dawgs who be doin a manner of piratical things near them.
FACEBOOK LOGIN and Follower Page | The Jig Blog
Facebook login and Follower Page. Posted on December 16, 2011. We've been working hard here in Jig HQ, and I'm happy to announce that we have two new features- Facebook login and a new Follower Page. When we created Jig, we ...
How to get started with Facebook Timeline
Summary: Facebook today rolled out its new Timeline profile ... Start by looking around, noting the various new options, including “Add a Cover” and “Activity Log” in the top right. Depending on when you read this article, you should ...
Hackers Go After the Smartphone
SINGAPORE -- In September, a virus began infecting more than a million mobile phones in China. Masquerading as an anti-virus application, zombie let hackers access the phones SIM card and automatically send spam text messages to people listed on the phones address book. As global sales of smartphones rise quickly, experts are predicting a - By SONIA KOLESNIKOV-JESSOP
Other ways to connect with us: Visit the Facebook Blog at Follow us on Twitter: @facebook Subscribe to more video at Comment Policy: ... Log in. Facebook © 2011 · ...
Log In | Facebook
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an ...
Why you might be vulnerable to hackers
From Facebook to bank accounts, logging in has become somewhat ... Change your settings to ensure the channel you log in is encrypted. A secure site should begin with https:// Create an ultra-secure password that’s also easy to remember.
WARNING: Cleverest scam hits Facebook
The email requires Facebook login details and parts of a persons credit card details for ‘authentication’ purposes. The email links to a fake account disabled page that asks for personal details, including credit card information.
FACEBOOK LOGIN Home Page Security Tips | Blog Lady's Internet Guide
Mar 22, 2011 ... How to keep your Facebook login password safe. Learn about login notifications, active sessions, phishing and fake login sites.
LINK BY LINK; Strangers in the Net, Exchanging Glances
ARE social networking sites bringing us together, or only fake bringing us together? This, in a nutshell, is the debate between the technology utopians and the technology skeptics, who worry that luminous words like friend and network are being drained of their meaning by people chained to their cellphones or computers. Well, the Web site - By NOAM COHEN
Welcome to the Facebook login Page where we will try to help you get using you account swiftly. A few things to remember when logiing into Facebook
FACEBOOK LOGIN Home Page Phishing
Facebook login Home Page Phishing - Facebook login problems are added accustomed than some users ability anticipate they are. The best accustomed blazon of errors that are encountered by Facebook users are ...
Use your Facebook account to Sign in on other Websites | Facebook
Use your Facebook account to register for other sites. Bring your friends with you on the web to see their comments and recommendations.
Facebook for sex Badoo hits 130 mn users
You can sign up as if its a normal social network, even logging in via a Facebook account, or log in to meet new people. When you sign up, it asks you whether you are interested in ‘Men’ or ‘Women’. Over 1,25,000 new users sign up ...
Log In | Facebook
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work , study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, ...
What Will Your Facebook Timeline Look Like On Paper?
Every log-in, every log-out, every message ... And as if that wasn’t enough, they kept all of the material he deleted, too. That Facebook has such a rich trove of information on Schrem (and, presumably, all of us) isn’t exactly a complete ...
Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
when i log into my facebook account it just flips back to login screen again?
when i enter my Facebook login name and then my password and click login. it just brings back an empty login screen again. I have reset my password and it still does the same thing. .
Answer: I would guess you're using Internet Explorer. I would recommend using Firefox. Download from http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
it's a better browser with less problems.
Category: Facebook
Login | Facebook
Login - Description: In computer security, a login or logon (also called logging in or on and signing in or on) is the process by which individual access to a ...
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an ...
Email or Phone: Password: Log In
Facebook ready to take on mobile ad network?
Facebook says nearly half of its nearly 800 million users already log in via mobile devices, giving the network momentum in a market estimated to be worth $630 million. However, Facebook will have to contend with Googles Admob, Millennial Media ...
Sharing Online, but With More Than 140 Characters
The singer and guitarist John Mayer, whose prolific posts on Twitter drew nearly four million followers, shocked fans in mid-September by closing his account. But Mr. Mayer hasnt gone away. Hes switched from Twitter to Tumblr, a free blogging service that has become a hit among Internet enthusiasts. Tumblr, based in New York, says it is drawing - By PAUL BOUTIN
Social Sign-On Could Be a Boon for Retailers
Online retailers, as well as other publisher sites that want to encourage visitors to register and sign in as a way to gain information about them, would do well to consider social sign-on, which allows internet users to carry a login from Facebook ...
Microsoft So.cl official: Study group killer not Facebook killer
Facebook login is used for authentication, but content isn’t automatically shared to the social network, at least by default. “The So.cl search experience is powered by Bing; we use the public Bing APIs to display search result data. As students work ...
Home - Facebook Developers
Drive growth and engagement on your site through Facebook login and Social Plugins. Build for Mobile.
E-Mail Fraud Hides Behind Friendly Face
SAN FRANCISCO -- Most people know to ignore the e-mail overture from a Nigerian prince offering riches in exchange for a bank account number. That is a scam, plain to the eye. But what if the e-mail appears to come from a colleague down the hall? And all he asks is that you add some personal information to a company database? This is spear - Google discloses it discovered and disrupted a rapidly proliferating form of e-mail fraud called spear phishing designed to steal passwords and monitor accounts; Federal Bureau of Investigation says they will investigate Googles assertions that scam originated in China; spear phishing entails sending highly targeted and authentic-looking pitches that appear to come from a trusted source and are difficult for recipients to detect; photos (M) - By MATT RICHTEL and VERNE G. KOPYTOFF; John Markoff contributed reporting.
If you are too bored of the dreary login screen of the facebook Now you can customize it with an image of your own with the chrome extension "FB Refresh" in google chrome browser. This extension allows you to set a custom ...
Malicious Software Said to Have Struck 2,500 Corporations
A malicious software program has infected the computers of more than 2,500 corporations around the world, according to NetWitness, a computer network security firm. The malicious program, or botnet, can commandeer the operating systems of both residential and corporate computing systems via the Internet. Such botnets are used by computer criminals - By JOHN MARKOFF
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work , study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, ...
What is my login name for mobile facebook chat?
i downloaded the mobile facebook chat app for my straighttalk phone and it is asking me to login with my login name and password. it wont let me use my regular Facebook login. i tried using my url name and that didnt work either. what is the login name that it is asking for?
Answer: it will be your username that you use in Facebook.1st check you got username or not, if not than make one
Category: Facebook
PHONE SMART; Putting All Your Conversations on the Small Screen
One curse of the digital age is the need to manage multiple continuing conversations -- be they via Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, instant messages or text-messaging on your cellphone. With the exception of text-messaging, the cellphone used to stand out of that loop, leaving you with lots of catch-up work -- or peace, if such a thing appeals to you -- - By BOB TEDESCHI
Login | Facebook
Login - Description: In computer security, a login or logon (also called logging in or on and signing in or on) is the process by which individual access to a ...
Twitter Gets Google And Facebook Connect
Correct me if I’m wrong here but you weren’t always immediately prompted and guided through to finding your Gmail contacts on Twitter upon login, just like you weren’t always able to sync your tweets to Facebook. Some switch just got ...
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an...
How do you delete FACEBOOK LOGIN history on a Mac?
Whenever i go onto facebook and type in the first letter of my username, the whole username comes up, which is normally fine, but recently i accidently typed my password into the username box, so that now pops up whenever i type the first letter :s....how can i delete the login history on facebook?
Answer: Click Safari in the menu bar, then click Reset Safari... then deselect everything except Remove Saved names and passwords.
Category: Facebook
Download Facebook Chat Instant Messenger For Your Desktop
Login to Facebook Chat with our Facebook Messenger. Emoticons. Chit Chat lets you access Facebook chat from your desktop. Our Facebook Messaging ...
Mondays High School Basketball #facebook #login http://t.co/unvv6FkC
From: Crystal_Black2 - Source: twitterfeed
Gloria Donaghey sent you a request in CityVille.: Gloria Donaghey sent you a request in CityVille. http://t.co/3ZcwnsbQ
From: VillaRoseHotel - Source: twitterfeed
@margaret311lin @stephiekyu Im too lazy to login back into Facebook. Im so lazy these days. xD
From: BriMills1 - Source: Twitter for Mac
From: jreye712 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@Tena_Paula6 just login with facebook
From: kbonhomme1 - Source: Twitter for Android
Get a Facebook fan only entry into the December 27th #Bing Magical Holiday Calendar sweepstakes to win a FIAT 500 http://t.co/k9Hj9xnU - #bi
From: BishopsB2B - Source: web
RT @TRINASrockstarr: When you login on Facebook, you gotta go OFFLINE, cause yo ass will be attacked... notifications, i.ms, EVERYTHING! Ugh.
From: Kessieeee - Source: Twitter for Android
When you login on Facebook, you gotta go OFFLINE, cause yo ass will be attacked... notifications, i.ms, EVERYTHING! Ugh.
From: TRINASrockstarr - Source: Twitter for Android
URGENT Facebook login api broken by TheDesignCenter http://t.co/IUh5ehGu
From: WebDesign_Job - Source: twitterfeed
Funny how @tigereyesboo22 asks me to hack in her Facebook because she forgot her login..
From: LexiMorganx - Source: web
* goes to facebook , and types in my TWITTER name for email login * smh.
From: Money_NOillumin - Source: txt
RT @localcelebrity: I no longer sign up for services that require Facebook login. Id like to move away from Facebook, not entrench myself in in further.
From: 2greggy - Source: TweetDeck
URGENT Facebook login api broken by TheDesignCenter - My Facebook login icon stopped working need help now! (Budget:... http://t.co/kh0zArBA
From: jobsonfacebook - Source: Ping.fm
Photos of the total lunar eclipse event at One Fullerton taken by local amateur astronomer Wee Ern (requires FB login) http://t.co/i7yhCT5u
From: astrosg - Source: web
i hate when people ask me for my Facebook login info ; uhm , NO .
From: Logandoesntcare - Source: txt