Of Museums and Racial Relics
The first lady draws fire from those employing wishful thinking about the state of cultural bias.. Charles M Blow Op-Ed column scores backlash against Michelle Obama for comments she made in reference to bias at cultural institutions while praising Whitney Museum for its pursuit of diverse visitors; observes that critics like Rush Limbaugh have deluded themselves about lack of opportunity and exposure facing young minorities; examines data showing low rate of museum attendance among blacks and Latinos.
Enter for a Chance to Win a Trip to See Rush Live in Las Vegas
After 41 long years, Rush have finally made the cover of Rolling Stone, and to celebrate weve partnered with Live Nation to offer fans the chance to win the ultimate Rush VIP weekend: a trip for two to see the band play on their R40 Live tour at the.
RUSH Limbaugh Predicts New 49ers Policy Will Destroy NFL and America
If you havent already heard, the San Francisco 49ers recently announced some housekeeping changes designed to optimize players performance. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the team is carving its typical two hour meetings into 30-minute chunks, .
U.S. Inches Toward Goal Of Energy Independence
MIDLAND, Tex. -- The desolate stretch of West Texas desert known as the Permian Basin is still the lonely domain of scurrying roadrunners by day and howling coyotes by night. But the roar of scores of new oil rigs and the distinctive acrid fumes of drilling equipment are unmistakable signs that crude is gushing again. And not just here. Across the country, the oil and gas industry is vastly increasing production, reversing two decades of decline. Using new technology and spurred by rising oil prices since the mid-2000s, the industry is extracting millions of barrels more a week, from the deepest waters of the Gulf of Mexico to the prairies of North Dakota.. American oil and gas industry is vastly increasing production, reversing two decades of decline; using new technology and spurred by rising oil prices since the mid-2000s, industry is extracting millions of barrels more a week; at same time, Americans are pumping significantly less gasoline; taken together, the increasing production and declining consumption have unexpectedly brought the United States markedly closer to independence from foreign energy sources. Graphs, Photos (L)
Another Curve! Il Papas Encyclical on Climate Change.
RUSH: The environmentalist wackos and the left and the Democrat Party think the pope is agreeing with them on climate change, so, man, theyre snapping to, and theyre embracing that. They are ignoring the popes��.
Mrs. Clinton Blames Donald Trump and Talk Radio for Charleston Murders
RUSH: Hillary Clinton was on a PBS show in Nevada yesterday. I want you to listen to who she blames for what happened in Charleston, South Carolina. The PBS hosts question is: You said in your speech today what happened in Charleston -- the absolute .
Foreseeing Trouble in Exporting Natural Gas
Gas producers see profits in exports, but Andrew Liveris, chief of Dow Chemical, wants to block what he considers a squandering of a national resource, and a hit to his bottom line.. Dow Chemical chief Andrew Liveris is spearheading public campaign against increased exports of natural gas, seeking to block what he considers squandering of national resource, and hit to his bottom line (Series: The Energy Rush).
RUSH: GOP Establishment All About Cheap Labor
Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh declared ���The Republican Party establishment, the big donors��� are ���all about cheap labor��� on Friday. Rush said, ���The Republican Party establishment [is] co-opted by the Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber of Commerce .
The Pope Throws the Left a Curve - The Rush Limbaugh.
RUSH: The pope, ladies and gentlemen, the pope has thrown one of the biggest curveballs at the American left I can remember. If Im understanding this right, if Im reading this right, and theres only one place that I have��.
Germany incorrigibly believes, after four years of war, that she can terrorize her enemies. She believes it in the face of her failures in that direction, her failures by air raids, by submarine crimes, by atrocities of every description.. ed.
As Americans Lose Faith in Everything, the San Francisco.
RUSH: You might be saying, What do the San Francisco 49ers have to do with anything? Well, weve been talking a lot about the culture, and Ive told you its one of the things that really fascinates me and interests me right��.
FLORIDAS HEALTH CONCERNS BOARD; Sanitary Authorities Find Great Problem in Inspection of Tourist Camps.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 12. -- The Florida State Board of Health, charged with the protection of the health of the great amy of tourists pouring into the State, is woefully understaffed in the field, it was admitted today, and the State Legislature so far has done little to make the health personnel equal to the States sudden overpopulation.. Discusses health conditions in Fla
CONGRESS had not even adjourned for the holidays -it did that a couple of days later, in the midst of the capitals first snowstorm this winter - when President Reagan made it clear that 1986 is going to be a year of intense political combat. Speaking to lawmakers who had worked for passage of a measure mandating a balanced budget by 1991, Mr. Reagan said he intended to seek deep cutbacks in wasteful and unnecessary domestic programs in his proposed budget for 1987. But a senior White House official, speaking less publicly only a couple of hours later, said domestic cutbacks would not be enough. Like Congressional critics of both parties, the official said that either tax increases or sizable cuts in defense outlays would surely be required. The prospect, then, is for a protracted struggle between Capitol Hill and the White House, with each side accusing the other of irresponsibility. Nothing much new about that. But this time, under the provisions of the budget-balancing law, stalemate will produce automatic cuts spread equally between domestic programs and military spending, and President Reagans proposed budget for 1987, which is to go to Congress in February, will be the first on which the five-year plan will be tested.
Obama Politicizes Charleston Murders
RUSH: Dylann Storm Roof is this guys name. Theyve captured him. They captured him 245 miles away from Charleston, South Carolina, and they captured him in North Carolina. He parked the black Hyundai under a tree. Either ran out of gas or just stopped .
Rush Limbaugh Demoted To Another Irrelevant, Ratings.
The good news for Rush Limbaugh: One month after being notified he was getting dumped by his Boston talk radio host station, the talker has a new AM home in the city. The bad news: The station currently boasts a 0.6 rating,��.
Dr. Ben Carson Understands the Problem
RUSH: I was gratified last night. I discovered. You know, I had some comments about Dr. Benjamin Carson earlier in the week, because I was watching CNN. What was it that happened? Oh, it was the day that Trump announced, and I was watching CNN, .
Rush Baby Asks for Cigar Advice - The Rush Limbaugh Show
RUSH: Cigar Aficionado has a Web page that lists the top cigars for a year, the Top 25 of 2014, for example. Just go to CigarAficionado.com and follow the links, and theyve got a Cigar 101 page on their site that is for��.
Even in Coal Country, the Fight for an Industry
With the coal industry under siege across the country, an announcement that the operator of the Big Sandy power plant near Louisa, Ky., planned to switch to natural gas prompted an uproar.. Planned switch from coal to natural gas announced by American Electric Power, the operator of the Big Sandy power plant in Kentucky, has caused an uproar in the state and is viewed by supporters of the coal industry as a capitulation to environmentalists; the coal industry is under siege across the United States, threatened by new federal regulations, environmentalists and natural gas companies intent on capturing much of the nations energy market (Series: The Energy Rush).
After Charleston: RUSH to Move Past Tragedy Ignores Racial Realities
A white racist stands accused of killing nine black men and women during a Bible study at one of the oldest black churches in America, yet some white Americans are hesitant to tie the attack to racism -- preferring instead to relegate the shooting to.
Dr. Ben Carson Understands the Problem - RUSH Limbaugh
RUSH: There is no moral authority. There is no authority, period! Everything is just how somebody feels. And hes exactly right. We have given away our values and principles for the sake of political correctness. Hes exactly��.
RUSH Limbaugh Rating Woes Continue: No Audience For Hate-Filled Radio Troll.
Rush Limbaugh and his rating-related woes are a source of amusement for those who cant stand the hate monger. Its hard NOT to be amused watching the downward spiral of a loudmouth whose primary claim to fame is divisiveness and ignorance.
Im a woman and I love RUSH (and I am not alone)
A funny thing happened when I started talking about the Rush concert on social media, however: Unprovoked, the tired clich��s that have always plagued the band ��� and prog music in general ��� started cropping up. ���I remember going to a [King] Crimson .
Teacher Attests to RUSH Reveres Impact - RUSH Limbaugh
CALLER: I just called to give you some good news. I wanted you to know what an impact your series, your Rush Revere Series, had on my students this year and my students parents.
Mrs. Clinton Blames Donald Trump and Talk Radio for.
RUSH: Hillary Clinton was on a PBS show in Nevada yesterday. I want you to listen to who she blames for what happened in Charleston, South Carolina. The PBS hosts question is: You said in your speech today what��.
Hillary on Charleston: Inflammatory political rhetoric like Trumps could.
Four years ago the left would have simply assumed he was a Rush Limbaugh fanboy and been done with it. Not their nominee-in-waiting, though. Hillarys defining characteristic is shamelessness, her willingness to cross lines that liberals with more of a .
Rush lowers the boom on doomsayers
Talk-radio giant Rush Limbaugh is warning that there is a real danger from the talk about climate change, global warming, the threat of the extinction of humanity, and more. Not a danger from the actual events, which may or may not happen. He talked.
U-BOAT SINKS A SCHOONER.; The RUSH, of Boston, Launched Thanksgiving Day, Is Latest Victim.
. Crew picked up at sea
RUSH is a Band Blog: RUSH R40 Live tour Toronto show #2.
Rush is a Band: Neil Peart, Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson.
U.S. Inches Toward Goal of Energy Independence
Declining oil consumption and new energy production have brought the United States closer to a goal that has tantalized presidents since Richard Nixon.. American oil and gas industry is vastly increasing production, reversing two decades of decline; using new technology and spurred by rising oil prices since the mid-2000s, industry is extracting millions of barrels more a week; at same time, Americans are pumping significantly less gasoline; taken together, the increasing production and declining consumption have unexpectedly brought the United States markedly closer to independence from foreign energy sources.
Callers Weigh in on Trump
CALLER: Hey, Rush, thanks for having me on. Im really excited to be on your show. Its a shame youll never be able to experience the excitement that I have to be able to talk to you. But I wanted to talk. This morning, all day long on the radio and.
Even in Coal Country, the Fight for an Industry
LOUISA, Ky. -- For generations, coal has been king in this Appalachian town. It provided heat, light and jobs for the hundreds of people who worked in the nearby coal mines and the smoke-coughing Big Sandy power plant that burned their black bounty. But now, coal is in a corner. Across the United States, the industry is under siege, threatened by new regulations from Washington, environmentalists fortified by money from Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor of New York City, and natural gas companies intent on capturing much of the nations energy market.. Planned switch from coal to natural gas announced by American Electric Power, the operator of the Big Sandy power plant in Kentucky, has caused an uproar in the state and is viewed by supporters of the coal industry as a capitulation to environmentalists; the coal industry is under siege across the United States, threatened by new federal regulations, environmentalists and natural gas companies intent on capturing much of the nations energy market (Series: The Energy Rush). Map, Photos, Charts (L)
Brian Williams: It Wasnt Me - The Rush Limbaugh Show
RUSH: Brian Williams is back. Its official now. Brian Williams is heading to MSNBC, and he blamed all of the lies that he told on his ego-driven lifestyle. He said that that really wasnt him. He looked at those things and it really��.
WOULD TAX CHAPLIN FILM.; Gold RUSH Yields $900,000 In in Britain.
LONDON, Feb. 4. -- Charlie Chaplins latest film, The Gold Rush, has yielded the American producer more than $900,000 in profits from British exhibitions. This fact has led a member of Parliament to give notice that he will ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer tomorrow whether an income tax is to be demanded from the American proprietor of the film.. Piano recital
President Obama Begins 2-Day Visit to LA, Prompting Rush.
In addition to more Westside-area closures on Friday morning during rush hour traffic, some streets in the Pasadena and Highland Park areas would also be shut down because of the presidential visit. The Los Angeles Police��.
Paid Notice: Deaths RUSH, MICHAEL
RUSH--Michael. The art community has lost a distinguished scholar. Author of the definitive book, Video Art. Michael leaves a legacy with his show 50 Years of Video Art due this fall. His vision will live on. R. Ekstract 1/3
A Big Bet for the Godfather of Rap
THE most-watched television show at midnight on Fridays? In homes with pay-cable stations, its not the Tonight show, Arsenio Hall or Dennis Miller. Its the raucous Russell Simmons Def Comedy Jam, a Home Box Office showcase for black comedians. In the half-hour program, mostly young comedians joke about everything from sports to sex and marriage to rap artists, Rodney King and Mike Tyson. Virtually every joke is unprintable. The routines are accompanied by a disk jockey scratching rap music in the background and cheered by a youthful studio audience sporting colorful biking pants, Malcolm X baseball caps and mosaic haircuts.
Social Media in Sports Will Blur the Line Between Audience.
RUSH: Im just gonna tell you, as a performer, when you blur the line, when you obscure the difference in the stage and the audience, you are going to ruin whatever is on the stage, be it baseball, football, a play, a musical on��.
Fossil Fuel Industry Ads Dominate TV Campaign
Major fossil fuel companies are financing an effort to defeat President Obama, while his former allies in promoting wind and solar power are disenchanted and sitting out the campaign.. Some dominant players in the oil, gas and coal industries are financing an aggressive effort to defeat Pres Obama, or at least press him to adopt policies that are friendlier to fossil fuels; campaign on behalf of fossil fuels includes political contributions to Mitt Romney, attack ads questioning Obama’s clean-energy agenda, and television spots that criticize administration actions (Series: Energy Rush, The).
Unearthed 1994 Audio Sheds Light on the Clintons.
RUSH: Shes talking about talk radio. Folks, there was no Fox News then. There was no conservative blogosphere. It was just me and what the Clintons refer to on the tape -- you will hear it in a moment -- as the Limbaugh��.
RUSH Baby Asks for Cigar Advice
RUSH: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I do not get Cuban cigars. I am a law-abiding American citizen. Now, some people have given me Cubans over the years, but I dont get them. I wouldnt know where to tell you to go get.
Paid Notice: Deaths RUSH, MICHAEL
RUSH--Michael. The Association of Art Museum Directors mourns the loss of a great friend and colleague, Michael Rush, Founding Director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University, and previously Director of the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University. Michael was an incredible mentor to many in the field and was extraordinarily generous with his time. He had a passionate belief in the power of art, and in the important role that art and museums played in the lives of communities he served. We will miss his deep commitment to our profession, and his friendship. Susan M. Taylor The Montine McDaniel Freeman Director, New Orleans Museum of Art AAMD President 1/3
FSUs 2014 pass rush fell off historically
A better way to examine the productivity of a teams pass rush is by examining the sack rate. This is the percentage of drop-backs that end with a sack (total sacks + pass attempts). Its not a perfect metric and still doesnt account for some other.
Final Day to Enter the Sweepstakes!
RUSH: This would be as good a time as any to remind you that Friday is the final day for the Two If By Tea sweepstakes in honor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. Two If By Tea, best iced tea in the country. In fact, I got an e-mail: Hey.
Apocalyptic, Fear-Mongering Liberalism Accelerates the.
RUSH: Theres been a running theme on the program this week, and that is the very real fact, the very real circumstance that we are watching the deterioration of our culture right in front of us. Its one of those things where��.
Drillers in Utah Have a Friend in a U.S. Land Agency
An obscure branch of the Bureau of Land Management wields great influence on local land-use decisions in the state, usually to the benefit of the energy industry.. Bureau of Land Management, component of the Interior Department that controls 248 million acres of federal land, has granted a large number of drilling leases to oil and natural gas developers in Utah and several other areas; environmentalists have charged the agency with destructive favoritism, but officials say they are merely facilitating a much-needed boom in a bad economy (Series: Energy Rush).
Final Day to Enter the Sweepstakes! - The RUSH Limbaugh.
RUSH: This would be as good a time as any to remind you that Friday is the final day for the Two If By Tea sweepstakes in honor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. Two If By Tea, best iced tea in the country.
The Pope Throws the Left a Curve
RUSH: The pope, ladies and gentlemen, the pope has thrown one of the biggest curveballs at the American left I can remember. If Im understanding this right, if Im reading this right, and theres only one place that I have found this. Its in the.
The Better to Eat You With, My Dear
MONSTER OF GOD The Man-Eating Predator in the Jungles of History and the Mind. By David Quammen. 515 pp. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. $26.95.. Norman Rush reviews book Monster of God: The Man-Eating Predator in the Jungles of History and the Mind by David Quammen; drawing (M)
This Isnt the GOP I Grew Up With - The RUSH Limbaugh Show
RUSH: The Republican Party establishment, the big donors: They want amnesty, for example. They want cheap. This is all about cheap labor. I hate saying it. I cant tell you how much I hate saying it. I just resent having to be��.
After the Boom in Natural Gas
Low prices for consumers. Big profits for bankers. But the gas glut in the United States has meant much pain for gas exploration companies and their investors.. Natural gas glut in United States has resulted in low prices for consumers and big profits for banks, but has been money loser so far for many gas exploration companies and their investors, as they are committed to spending far more to produce gas than they can earn selling it. (Series: The Energy Rush)
Rush to Judgment
Its Memorial Day weekend and its already time to ponder which Republican presidential candidates will make the Top 10!. Gail Collins Op-Ed column notes drama swirling around Fox Newss choice to limit its Aug 6 Republican presidential debate to 10 hopefuls, even though there are many more contenders; suggests that Fox host a second losers debate featuring those who do not make the top 10 cut.