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Premium bonds : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Bonds snapped up but at high price
The yield on two-year CTZ bonds at auction climbed to 7.814 per cent, compared to 4.628 per cent at an October auction. The yield on six-month bonds hit a euro era high of 6.504 per cent, compared to 3.535 per cent previously. The auction comes at a ...
When am I going to win my PREMIUM BONDS?
You see, I have these Premium bonds and I desperately need to know when Im gonna win them, because I need to plan my retirement.
Answer: Yes, me too - I've never won anything off mine.
I've just checked their list of winners for this month on their website though, and have realised that almost all of the winners hold £5000 worth or more - only one winner held £100 like me, so I think if I want to win, I need to invest more!
Category: Investing
NS&I - PREMIUM BONDS prize checker
Setting up a standing order. One of the best ways to boost your chances of winning is by setting up a standing order to buy more Premium bonds every month.
DEALBOOK; Europes Debt Threatens MF Global, And Corzine
Jon S. Corzines return to Wall Street has run into a wall of turbulence. Shares of his firm, the commodities and derivatives brokerage house MF Global, have plummeted 54 percent so far this week amid concerns about the firms exposure to European sovereign debt. On Wednesday, the price of its five-year bonds slumped to 66.5 cents on the dollar, - MF Global, commodities and derivatives brokerage house run by Jon S Corzine, is showing signs of becoming first American financial firm to face full-blown panic over its exposure to European sovereign debt; firm holds $6.3 billion in debt and is losing investors in wake of ratings downgrade; stock has plummeted 54 percent. Photo (M)7 - By MICHAEL J. DE LA MERCED
Bond Premium: Definition from
Amount the purchaser pays in buying a bond that exceeds the face or call value of the bond. The premium can be amortized each year by the bondholder, to reflect that ...
Halifax's zero Premium Bond « neilcollinsxxx
The Halifax is not trying to upstage Premium bonds, the state-run lottery where savers gamble with the interest on their money. These days the Bonds are less of a lottery, more a way to make a tiny tax-free return on savings of ...
Has anyone bought over £5,000 in PREMIUM BONDS, won in the first few months then nothing for ages?
I believe that people who buy large amounts of Premium bonds are allowed to win in the first few months. That way they are more keen to keep them for longer. Its a fix by the treasury! Just another way of ripping us off!
Answer: i win once a month,mind you I have the limit you can buy
Category: Investing
Jan 7, 2011 ... you Will find that this actual TV advert does not mention the Premium bonds at all. They mention the more well ...
If you had £30,000. Would it be better to buy PREMIUM BONDS or put it in to a high interest account?
Would you trust an investment, or put it in Premium bonds? How many people win more than, say £250,000 on the bonds per month. Does anyone know?
Answer: If, as a country we were better of financially and economically, I would put the money in a high interest account. Though because of this and very low interest rates I would invest it in NS&I premium bond.
If you are in fact looking to invest a large sum of money, it may be worth looking into 'banking bonds' - high interest 'bonds' with banks which allow you to withdraw the money only after a set date.
NS&I do not release the exact number of cash prizes, however do say 'over 1 million other cash prizes given away'.
Category: Personal Finance
Will the Muni-Bond Rally Survive 2012?
The wave of defaults that had been predicted at the beginning of the year have yet to emerge; municipalities issued far fewer bonds than they had in previous years, placing a premium on those that did come to market; and Treasury yields ...
PREMIUM BONDS anyone won? - The Student Room
Premium bonds anyone won?” discussion on The Student Room's Money and Finance forum.
NS&I - PREMIUM BONDS prize checker
We currently hold over 680000 unclaimed Premium Bond prizes worth more than £39 million. After 18 months, prizes that haven't been cashed in are classified ...
WEALTH MATTERS; In a Volatile Market, Some Turn to Insurance Instead of Bonds
LIFE insurance, its fair to say, is a subject that provokes strong opinions. People who like insurance see it as a way to leave money to heirs tax-free or to make sure there is money for a rainy day. Those who dont like it see a product that generates huge fees for the seller and a diminishing benefit for buyers who probably dont understand it. - Pat Sullivan Wealth Matters column notes that some financial advisers are encouraging their clients to buy permanent life insurance, which does not lapse like term insurance, as a substitute for bonds in their portfolio. Photo (M)a - By PAUL SULLIVAN
Bizarre Facts About PREMIUM BONDS |
Premium bonds marked their fiftieth anniversary in November 2006. They have been the most popular form of investment in British history. Premium bonds are bought and ...
Gold off 2% as ECB says no to bond program
Investors had been waiting for any clues about possible expanded bond purchases, akin to the quantitative ... Platinum, a rarer and more difficult metal to mine, traditionally trades at a premium to gold. Platinum is more closely connected ...
What are the odds of winning PREMIUM BONDS compared to the lottery?
Does anyone know the odds of winning the Premium bonds (say over £100,000) if you have £30,000 in bonds? And how this compares to winning the same amount in the lottery if you play 2 lines for the wednesday and saturday draw every week.
If this is too specific, then how do the odds compare for winning the top prize for each?
Answer: Unless you buy 30,000 lottery tickets, you'll have more chance of winning with the Premium bonds. More people play the lottery therefore the prizes are so cut down that you'll probably only win about £20 if you're lucky! I recently won £150 on Premium bonds with just one lucky ticket. You have so many Premium bonds that the odds of you winning are much higher.
Category: Gambling
Are PREMIUM BONDS safe during the credit crunch?
I dont know much about the credit crunch but I hear peoples savings may be affected, if someone were to put their money into Premium bonds would it be somewhere safe to keep it.
Answer: I assume you mean the UK. British Premium bonds are issued and backed by the british government. If the doctors and police are getting paid you get paid. Safe as it gets. If you care about such things, the british government has a AAA credit rating, the best around.
Category: Investing
Premium Bond: Definition from
bond with a selling price above face or redemption value. A bond with a face value of $1,000, for instance, would be Call ed a premium bond if it sold for $1,050 ...
NS&I Premium bonds give you the chance every month to win £1 million. Instead of paying interest, we hold monthly prize draws with a £1 million jackpot and over a ...
Premium Bond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Premium Bond is a lottery bond issued by the United Kingdom governments National Savings and Investments scheme. The government promises to buy back the bond, on ...
Liquidity twist on bank liability management
The offer is capped at a maximum of GBP750m however. The exercise targets three bonds in dollars, euros and sterling: USD350m, EUR750m and a GBP600m. Yorkshire is paying a premium over where the bonds were trading in the secondary market ...
A Haven From A Eurozone Crash: Investment Grade Bonds
Another risk is if an investor buys a premium priced bond and the borrower prepays by refinancing or selling the home then the Note is paid back at par and the investor loses the premium. However this risk may be overstated because many people ...
French, Spanish Bond Auctions Bring Relief
France saw good demand at the sale of 4.35 billion euros ($5.86 billion) of long-term bonds, with yields falling on both 10-year and 15-year issues compared with previous auctions. The 10-year yield stood at 3.18 percent and the premium investors charge ...
Should I go with PREMIUM BONDS or an ISA?
I have some money that I want to put away and earn some good interest on. However, im not sure weather to opt for Premium bonds or an ISA.
I have looked into both options a little, however I am still not sure. Thanks for the help!
Answer: With an ISA you are guaranteed a return. With Premium bonds, you aren't.
Category: Investing
PREMIUM BONDS: Problems And Opportunities - Yahoo! Finance
If you purchased an individual bond over the past couple of years you probably paid a high premium to get any sort of a yield. When a bond comes due it is ...
STOCKS & BONDS; Market Anxiety Grows Over Italy
When Italy issued 3 billion euros in bonds last week at an interest rate of more than 6 percent, it was about 1.5 percentage points higher than it had to pay as recently as last summer -- and the most expensive 10-year money it had borrowed since joining the euro a decade ago. That cost -- extracted by financial markets increasingly doubtful about - By GRAHAM BOWLEY; Christine Hauser contributed reporting.
LDK Taps Shanghai Market After Singapore Plunge: China Credit
Dec. 6 (Bloomberg) -- LDK Solar Co., the Chinese solar- panel maker with bonds trading at half their face value in Singapore, is seeking to refinance by selling debt in Shanghai, where its notes trade at a premium. The 500 million-yuan ($79 ...
European Rift On Banks Role In Debt Relief
FRANKFURT -- The financial stability of Europe has come down to one institution, the European Central Bank, which is now under heavy new pressure to rescue the euro -- or possibly see it collapse. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Spains prime minister, on Thursday became the latest leader to demand that the bank find a solution to the euro crisis, - Financial stability of Europe has come down to one institution, the European Central Bank, which is under heavy pressure to rescue the euro; Spains Prime Min Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero becomes latest leader to demand that the bank find a solution to euro crisis; bank itself, and Germany, its most important member state, have steadfastly resisted letting it take up the mantle of lender of last resort. Photos (M) - By JACK EWING and NICHOLAS KULISH; Jack Ewing reported from Frankfurt, and Nicholas Kulish from Berlin. Steven Erlanger contributed reporting from Brussels, and Raphael Minder from Madrid.
PREMIUM BONDS.......................?
I just wanted to ask, are Premium bonds really worth investing in? Would I be better off investing money into them, rather than gaining interest off the money in my bank/building society?
Opinions/personal experience greatly appreciated :)
Answer: Having had £3,750 invested in them since the 1980's, I can vouch for the fact that chances of winning have greatly reduced, since then. Early years - 3-6 prizes per year (usually £50). Last 5 years, only 5 in total. Similar to winning the lottery, really; more hope than expectancy.
Category: Investing
Bond Rate Pigs Will Get Slaughtered
... bonds right now you should own individual bonds – municipal or corporate – not Treasuries. This will give you the control necessary to avoid the damage of long maturities and leveraging, and the premium issue can be completely avoided. One Bond ...
REUTERS BREAKINGVIEWS; Cisco’s Lesson for Oracle
Empires built through acquisitions can run into problems as they sprawl. That’s doubly so in technology, where obsolescence is a risk. Oracle has used profits from its database stronghold to expand. Its acquisitions have worked well so far — that’s one reason its German archrival SAP has become more active itself, buying - By ROBERT CYRAN and REYNOLDS HOLDING
Press release. BIRMINGHAM WINNER IN Premium bonds JACKPOT DRAW. 01 December 2011. A man living in Birmingham Bond Number: 84FX051740 Winning Bond bought in October 2003. Total holdings £30000. For the December ...
Its not easy to invest money properly, but if done right, it could make for a very secure financial future. Thankfully, there are many options from which to choose ...
PREMIUM BONDS at General talk on various topics
Harold Macmillan introduced Premium bonds back in 1956 and is defining as a government saving bonds that are pricing over and above the actual par value it ...
£826,000 in PREMIUM BONDS lie unclaimed
Hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of Premium Bond prizes lie unclaimed in Devon and Cornwall. Thousands of winners have failed to pick up their share of a total £826,000 and National Savings and Investments which runs the scheme is appealing for ...
. Premium bonds and Savings Certificates are offered by the Post Office (through National Saving & Investment, UK) as a means of ‘putting money away’ – how do they work?
Answer: Premium bonds are an investment where, instead of interest payments, investors have the chance to win tax-free prizes. When someone invests in Premium bonds they are allocated a series of numbers, one for each £1 invested. The minimum purchase is £100 (or £50 when you buy by monthly standing order), which provides 100 Bond numbers and, therefore, 100 chances of winning a prize. You can hold up to £30,000.
With 23 million bondholders holding £26 billion worth of Premium bonds nationwide, Premium bonds are one of Britain’s financial success stories. They are a fun, yet serious way of saving, combining the chance of winning tax-free prizes with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your capital is 100% secure.
Read more at the National Savings website:
Category: Investing
Bizarre Facts About PREMIUM BONDS
Premium bonds marked their fiftieth anniversary in November 2006. They have been the most popular form of investment in British history. Premium bonds are bought and kept by over 40% of Great Britain's populations. ...
Do you think if would be a good idea to increase the limit on PREMIUM BONDS to £100,000?
Premium bonds represent a safe place to put your money and also gives the government more to use in these times of financial instability.
Answer: Great idea in these chaotic times.
Category: Government
The PREMIUM BONDS Program Hits A Milestone in Financial History.
Have you ever wondered if what you know about Premium bonds is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on Premium bonds. Premium bonds have reached a milestone ...
How do i go about cashing in my PREMIUM BONDS?
I want to cash in my Premium bonds but i dont know how to do this? Anyone know?
Answer: 2 options, go into your local PO and ask them for a form to cash them in, or go onto the premium bond site and down load the form. You will need the numbers of your bonds and your holders number, if you were ever given one.
this is the link to the site, but you will have to look for the form to download.
Category: Investing
Premium Bond Definition - - Your Source For ...
Premium Bond - Definition of Premium Bond on Investopedia - 1) A bond that is trading above its par value. A bond will trade at a premium when it offers a coupon rate ...
How lucky have you been with PREMIUM BONDS?
I feel as though Im the most unlucky person in the premium bond list. I never seem to win. Does anyone win on a regular basis?
Answer: Never won a thing! I cashed mine in and now have a Savings Account - 6.05%
Category: Investing
A long-term look at default risk in bond markets
The credit spread, or the differential between corporate bonds and riskless Treasurys, has averaged 1.53 percent. However, the realized premium, at about 0.8 percent, has been only about half as much, providing only a modest premium for ...
REUTERS BREAKINGVIEWS; New Approach Good for Cisco
After years of chasing growth, Cisco is sensibly focusing on the bottom line. This should buy its chief executive, John Chambers, time from shareholders to retire gracefully in three years. But it probably wont result in big gains for investors, if rival technology valuations are any guide. For more than a decade, Cisco plowed profits from its - By ROBERT CYRAN and NEIL UNMACK
Premium Bond Definition
Premium Bond - Definition of Premium Bond on Investopedia - 1) A bond that is trading above its par value. A bond will trade at a premium when it offers a ...
Spanish bond yields hit record highs after costly Italian auction
The spike in yields took place despite reports by market players that the European Central Bank was back in the market again buying Italian and Spanish bonds. However, Spains risk premium was steady at around 443 basis points as the yield on ...
How do you know if you have won money from PREMIUM BONDS?
I got given some Premium bonds when i was born and recently i just put some more money into Premium bonds. How would i know if i won?Would i get an email or do i need to check my account?
follow instructions on this page.
Category: Investing
Temasek Sells Li & Fung Exchangeable Bonds in Second Deal
The bonds are exchangeable into Li & Fung stock at a 40 percent premium to yesterday’s closing price. Credit Suisse Group AG (CSGN), the sale’s arranger, has the option of offering a further S$100 million within 30 days of settlement ...
£270k worth of Premium Bond prizes are unclaimed in Lincolnshire ...
RESIDENTS in Lincolnshire are being urged to check their Premium bonds as more 5,000 prizes remain unclaimed. National Savings and Investments (NS&I) is launching a ...
PREMIUM BONDS - How To Information |
Dont just sit there scratching your head, find useful info on Premium bonds on eHow. Get essential tips and learn more about everything from What Creates a Premium ...
Bonds Jackpot | PREMIUM BONDS |Swedish Lottery
Play the Swedish Premium bonds lottery and win tax free millions. Play on a variety of Premium bonds & lottery bonds. Play and win millions today!
NS&I Premium bonds give you the chance every month to win £1 million. Instead of paying interest, we hold monthly prize draws with a £1 million jackpot and ...
Spain Voters Deal a Blow to Socialists Over the Economy
MADRID -- Spaniards struggling with high unemployment and a credit squeeze delivered a punishing verdict on almost eight years of Socialist government at the ballot box on Sunday, turning to the conservative Popular Party in the hopes of alleviating the pain of Europes debt crisis. With 99.8 percent of the vote counted Sunday night, the Popular - Spains conservative Popular Party wins governing majority in Parliament, defeating the Socialist government after its near eight-year rule; is third country to see its government felled by the debt crisis in the euro zone, along with Italy and Greece; Mariano Rajoy, Spains new prime minister, will take the reins in country struggling with growing economic stagnation, gaping budget deficits and crushing debts. Photos (M) - By RAPHAEL MINDER
Premium Bond: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
A Premium Bond is a lottery bond. issued by the United Kingdom. governments National Savings and Investments. scheme. The government promises to buy back the bond ...
Successful inaugural bond issue for Vallourec
Boulogne-Billancourt, 7 December 2011 - Vallourec, world leader in premium tubular solutions, today successfully launched an inaugural EUR 650 million bond issue, maturing in February 2017, with an annual coupon of 4.25%. The bond issue will be ...
NS&I - Home
Information and advice from the state-owned investments organisation.
Will savers ever get a decent return on their investments again or shall I buy PREMIUM BONDS instead?
Now that I am getting little or no return on my savings would I be better off buying Premium bonds. I dont have a fortune to save but I need instant access so long term savings with a higher interest rate arent really an option. At least with P.Bs I stand a chance of winning something and can still get my money back if I need it.
Answer: Premium bonds aren't a great investment - unless you count the big prize which there is practically no chance of winning.
You would be best paying off any debts or mortgages before saving a significant amount.
Category: Investing
Premium Bond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Premium Bond is a lottery bond issued by the United Kingdom government's National Savings and Investments scheme. The government promises to buy ...
Deutsche Boerse unveils premium corporate bond plan
Deutsche Boerse plans to launch a new premium segment for corporate bonds, providing borrowers with more cost-effective access to investors on the primary market and greater liquidity and transparency on the secondary market. The so-called “Prime ...
NEWS ANALYSIS; Widening Split in Europe On the Virtue of Austerity
PARIS -- Throughout Europes long debt crisis, Germany has prescribed the same strong remedy to its troubled neighbors: a stiff dose of fiscal discipline. As long as the patients were southern European countries like Greece and Italy, seen as victims of an unhealthy lifestyle, northern-tier nations like France, Austria and the Netherlands have been - News analysis; European countries that have backed Germanys call for fiscal discipline elsewhere are realizing austerity could make it harder for them to pay down their own debts; even countries like creditworthy France are finding it much more expensive to borrow money in the open market. Photo (M) - By LIZ ALDERMAN and GRAHAM BOWLEY; Liz Alderman reported from Paris and Graham Bowley from New York.
i have heard that Premium bonds are a good investment and a grat way to save money. can you tell me exactley what they are and info i might need. thanks
Answer: It sometimes beats me where some people get their information from ! - Your minimum initial purchase is £100 up to a max of £30,000, and for EACH £1 you get a unique bond number (albeit they now come in blocks). Each number goes into the monthly "draw" and can win anything from £50 to £1million (after a short qualifying period of up to two months), and this draw is instead of interest. The idea is that your initial investment always remains the same (but of course will usually drop in value over the years) but is always there should you require the money.
All CORRECT details can be found on the NS&I site - Not wiki which has been 'got at' so many times as to be practically useless.
Category: Personal Finance
£270k worth of Premium Bond prizes are unclaimed in Lincolnshire
RESIDENTS in Lincolnshire are being urged to check their Premium bonds as more 5,000 prizes remain unclaimed. National Savings and Investments (NS&I) is launching a nationwide search to track down the winners of over 740,000 unclaimed Premium Bond prizes ...
PREMIUM BONDS: Problems And Opportunities
Learn all about Premium bonds and how you can make them work for you.
NS&I - The history of ERNIE and PREMIUM BONDS
Budget day, 17 April 1956, and Harold Macmillan announced the launch of Premium bonds. The intention was to reduce inflation and to encourage those who might find ...
Ought to I Play the Lotto Or Buy PREMIUM BONDS? | Lottery Chief
The exact same has to become stated about Premium bonds, except there's no element of gambling involved. The great thing concerning the lottery is you can play as and when you want. But if you loose, your stake as gone. ...
Gauging the Fallout of Another Rescue: Architecture of the Plan Could Deny Those Who Bet on Default
The naysayers who have been betting against Greece may not get their big payoff. That is because even though Greece is not going to pay all its bills, it intends to avoid a debt default. And many investors have bet against Greece, using billions of dollars in complex financial instruments, called derivatives, that turn a profit when there is a debt - Architecture of new Greek bailout may disappoint investors who purchased billions of dollars in derivatives designed to turn profit if Greece defaults on its debt; plan, which asks holders of Greek bonds to accept 50 percent loss on their investment, will avoid default altogether if enough investors accept deal. Charts, Photos (M) - By LOUISE STORY and JULIE CRESWELL
This article explains a few things about Premium bonds, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know. Premium bonds are the British answer to the need for savings and ...
which has better odds of winning big prizes the lottery or PREMIUM BONDS?
Im talking about the lotto or even thunderball (meant to be the best odds). And Premium bonds from NS&I.
right i do thunderball each month by direct debit and the rules are changing so i have to state wether i want to continue playing, the odds seem ridiculous and the prizes small.
stonewal.. how many bonds do u have, you need lots i suppose.
Answer: ,I know this ain't answering the question but,
I've had Premium bonds since I was a kid, I'm nearly 30, and I've won £50.
I do the Lotto every wed / sat and over the past 10 years I've probably won about £500,
So I'd say the lotto, apparently you're more likely to be hit by a meteorite than winning the lotto
Category: Personal Finance
PREMIUM BONDS: Are they worth it?...
Nov 1, 2010 ... The UKs most popular savings vehicle. Detailed analysis shows that premium bond returns don't add up.
Have you won a Premium Bond prize? : Directgov - Do it online
If you are a Premium bonds holder, you can check to see if you have won on the National Savings and Investments (NS&I) website.
Gauging the Fallout of Another Rescue: Architecture of the Plan Could Deny Those Who Bet on Default
The naysayers who have been betting against Greece may not get their big payoff. That is because even though Greece is not going to pay all its bills, it intends to avoid a debt default. And many investors have bet against Greece, using billions of dollars in complex financial instruments, called derivatives, that turn a profit when there is a debt - By LOUISE STORY and JULIE CRESWELL
How long does it take to cash in PREMIUM BONDS?
by mail i sent a letter to get money out of Premium bonds how long does it take to get them from Premium bonds to my account?
Answer: About 5 days (depending on the post) I believe.
Category: Personal Finance
Success Stories About PREMIUM BONDS -
Premium bonds are a fantastic way to invest for your future. Not only do you get the chance to store your money in a secure environment but you get a chance to win a million pounds. Some people doubt the system but there is ...
@paullewismoney are Premium bonds wise option? Are you kinda lending money to the government? From: TheLunaSnowman - Source: Seesmic
Journal entries and calculations for bonds sold at a premium?: Journal entries and calculations for bonds sold a... From: XMakeMoney2DayX - Source: twitterfeed
Rare chance to measure my luck having found some Premium bonds I got at birth – must have won at least once in the 600 draws since 1964! From: loftyworld - Source: web
oooh awkward when my mum takes money out of my Premium bonds thinking i wont know and they send me a letter about it, unlucky mummmm From: dinastewartt - Source: web
@Shaztwirl its like the Premium bonds.. you dont always win, they were not secured so its tough! dont gamble what you cant afford to lose :) From: Mad_as_a_frog - Source: web
Oh another win on the Premium bonds - only £25 but a wins a win! From: gayle_seren_pr - Source: web
@biolapedro funny thing is investors are still buying PIIGS bonds albeit at premium rates. A continental eurobond will be a safer haven From: KolaDairoJnr - Source: web
How have i won on my Premium bonds AGAIN? #GETIN From: harriet_darcey - Source: web
Nice little return on my Premium bonds
Great Start To My Birthday Month!
#LoveMyLife ! From: jackeboi16 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
You have some good news from ERNIE about your Premium bonds! 2nd win this year! Will it be £25 or £1,000,000? From: RobinBarnwell - Source: web
How to cash in your Premium bonds From: rachelewriter - Source: SocialOomph
Won £100 on the Premium bonds :-) From: PatsyBurt - Source: web
Cheeky Premium bonds win… #lovinglife From: c_beaven_ffc - Source: Twitter for Mac
£25 from Premium bonds #gameon From: duncankeir - Source: web
How to cash in your Premium bonds From: rachelewriter - Source: SocialOomph