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Is the CARMEN WINSTEAD story really true? : AT&T
ive been hearing about this girl carmen that got pushed down a sewer! its all over the internet, i hear it at school, i even ...
Is the CARMEN WINSTEAD cyber story true?
I recently recieved the Carmen winstead chain letter, Ive done some research to see if the story was true, but I decided to let everyone tell me their opinions on the story.
Answer: No it is not true here are some links
Category: Mythology & Folklore
Facebook Chain Message : CARMEN WINSTEAD Pushed Down A ...
About 6 years ago in Indiana, Carmen winstead was pushed down a sewer opening by five girls in her school trying to embarrass her in front of the whole school during a fire drill. When she didn't submerge the police were ...
Why is this CARMEN WINSTEAD girl "haunting" whoever doesnt post the bulletin on myspace?
She should be out there tourching the girls that did this to her not us! I mean come on! We didnt do anything to hurt her! We just read a bulletin! If it was a big enough mystery of how she got pushed why isnt it everywhere instead of just myspace? I think its stupid! Wow! If i was Carmen winstead i would push the ppl that did this to me down the sewer and just to make she they die! *shoots a shotgun* Just to make sure!
Answer: She's not. this is an urban legend chain letter adapted for Myspace.
Category: History
Ive heard about this girl on Her name was Carmen winstead. Heres the story that I heard:
Carmen winstead was pushed down a sewer opening
by 5 girls in her school, trying to
embarrass her in front of her school during a fire drill.
When she didnt submerge, the police were called.
They went down and brought up 17 year old
Carmen winsteads body, her neck broken from hitting a ladder, and then the side concrete at the bottom.
the girls told everyone she fell...
They believed them.
Is it true?
Answer: Urban Legend-----false.
Here's the scoop:
Category: History
What is the CARMEN WINSTEAD story - WikiAnswers - The Q&A wiki
The Carmen winstead story was the first urban legend spread through MySpace, and then through other sites. See the related link for more info.
Is the CARMEN WINSTEAD story really true
Carmen winstead/Jessica Smith Ghost Story People believe unsubstantiated stories like this for the same reason they are drawn to murder scenes, listen to ...
CARMEN WINSTEAD!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? - Yahoo! Answers
Since you didnt post a link. Stupid answer. ... well im sure its fake cause they keep on writing stories like that and how would all the poeple die too ? the same ...
Carmen winstead is the subject of a chain letter and MySpace bulletin that has been circulating the Internet since October 2006. The post claims that the ghost of a ...
CARMEN WINSTEAD Story | Scary For Kids
Jul 4, 2008 ... The story of Carmen winstead is a chain letter about a 17 year old girl who died when she was pushed down a sewer by five ...
Did CARMEN WINSTEAD really get pushed down a sewer,and is the story real?
1 day I got a text about this girl Carmen winstead and it said she fell down a sewer cause some girls and if you didint send the text you get the same thing or somthen (yes i sent it=D) but i just wana know is it true?
Answer: i got the same forward earlier today. it is NOT true. i got pretty freaked out at first then i decided i was being stupid so i searched it on wiki answers and there is no record or file of this event. it is just a dumb forward that was created to scare people, even though i do fall for them sometimes...
Category: Mythology & Folklore
CARMEN WINSTEAD | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos
Carmen winsteads official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
Carmen winstead - We're 5 guys who love to hang out and talk. Contact us on Myspace! - General Manager: n/a - Booking Agent: Michael Hooks - Press ...
Is the story about David Gregory and CARMEN WINSTEAD true? - Yahoo ...
Best Answer: fake just chain letters… ... no they were fake ... This spooky story about a teen killed by a fall into a ...
Yahoo! Canada Answers - CARMEN WINSTEAD story....?
Best Answer: If you Google it, youll see its changed from Jane Smith to Carmen winstead to so many other names. If any girl was found dead in a sewer with her face ...
Carmen winstead: Latest news Carmen winstead. Search result Carmen winstead. Carmen winstead Singapore trend news.
did CARMEN WINSTEAD really get pushed down the sewer?
Did Carmen winstead Get Pushed Down The Sewer?
Answer: ~No, she wasn't. What really happened was that she got in a fight with her mother over curfew. (Mom wanted her home by midnight but Carmen, being a typical teen, didn't think her mother had the right to tell her to be in at a reasonable hour.) Carmen took a swing. Mom blocked and punched Carmen up side the head. Carmen went down and broke her neck when she hit a dining room chair. In a panic, Mom cut her up into little pieces and flushed them down the toilet. It was some of the chunks that were found in the sewer. At least that's what I remember of the story from the Gary Crusader.
Category: History
Is the CARMEN WINSTEAD story really true
Carmen winstead/Jessica Smith Ghost Story People believe unsubstantiated stories like this for the same reason they are drawn to murder scenes, listen to ghost ...
Who is Carmen Winsted? | ChaCha
No. No U.S. teen named Carmen winstead has died in such a fas... View More ... CARMEN WINSTEAD
She was pushed About 6 years ago in Indiana, Carmen winstead was pushed down a sewer opening by 5 girls in her school, trying to embarrass her in front of ...
Does anyone know where i can find this so called story on a CARMEN WINSTEAD?
i need to find the story on Carmen winstead or at least a link to a website i could find her news paper article. im doing it as a paper:p
Answer: There is so much info in Google:
and in Yahoo
Category: History
CARMEN WINSTEAD Was Pushed Down a Sewer | Newz of Today
The police were called when I not soaking. Fell and he was brought up in 17 years Carmen winstead's body, he broke his neck hitting the ladder, then specific at the bottom. The girls told everyone that she fell… He believed ...
Who took a pic of CARMEN WINSTEAD face like this? How did they get it? like was she still alive or is it her soul?
Answer: Um, that picture is from the movie The Ring. The girl in that picture is not a Carmen winstead. The Ring is a FICTION horror movie about a little girl named Samara who got pushed down a well by her mother.
Carmen winstead's story in untrue.
Category: Celebrities
Is the story of CARMEN WINSTEAD and David Gregory real?
I keep getting text messages about Carmen winstead and David Gregory saying if I dont send them they will kill me or something. So can someone tell me if it is real or fake?!?!?!?!?!?
Answer: of course its fake. I got it too. i didn't re-post and nothing happened to me. its just a stupid chain e-mail thing that originated from facebook.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
ok, i was juat on myspace and i read a bulliten about Carmen winstead and how she was pushed down a sewer drain or w/e. It said something about a boy who didnt re-post it and heard laughter in his shower. Well i re-posted it but i have to go get a shower in like 5 minutes (i have to wash the dye out of my hair) and now im like terrified to go near the shower. Is the story true??
Answer: its not true!!!go 2 and search..Carmen winstead
Category: Polls & Surveys
How does the world know that CARMEN WINSTEAD was pushed if she said she fell?
I have been seeing all kinds of things about this girl and I dont know what to believe in the world anymore.
Answer: Don't believe in that, it's a myth, you're never going to find her, the story says she fell..Happy New Year!..☺
Category: Current Events
CARMEN WINSTEAD Was Pushed | Buzz Wire News
The story of Carmen winstead is a chain letter about a 17 year old girl who died when she was pushed down a sewer by five girls she thought were her friends. Carmen was 17 years old when her parents decided to move to ...
List of Internet phenomena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of phenomena specific to the Internet, such as popular themes and catchphrases, images, viral videos and more. Such fads and sensations grow rapidly on ...
CARMEN WINSTEAD Was Pushed | Buzz Wire News
The story of Carmen winstead is a chain letter about a 17 year old girl who died when she was pushed down a sewer by five girls she thought were her friends.
Is The CARMEN WINSTEAD/Jessica Smith So Called Ghost Story Legend ...
Its fake. Just a silly urban legend ... No,it is very fake. ... I saw it too and then looked around and its not true because they have same story has different ...
CARMEN WINSTEAD Death, Truth or Prank
This is a story about a poor girl Carmen winstead, who was died 6 years ago in Indiana. in front all the school.Carmen winstead was Carmen winstead joined a new school where it.
Is the CARMEN WINSTEAD story really true?
Hey guys, so i know that they say its a uban legend or whatever but some say it really is true. I just want to know if it is. Please no stupid answers?(: thanks!
Answer: Carmen winstead is the subject of a chain letter and MySpace bulletin that has been circulating the Internet since October 2006. The post claims that the ghost of a teen girl (Carmen winstead) would kill the reader if the bulletin or email was not reposted or forwarded. In the bulletin, Carmen winstead is said to have been pushed into a sewer drain by five girls, breaking her neck as she fell. It is believed that the urban legend was started by three girls on MySpace who were trying to see how many friends they could get from posting the bulletin.
In Light... )O(
Category: Mythology & Folklore
CARMEN WINSTEAD Was Pushed Down a Sewer! - Urban Legends
Chain-letter-style Internet postings tell the story of Carmen winstead, a 17-year-old girl supposedly pushed down a sewer and killed by a gang of girls from her school. CARMEN WINSTEAD
Ghost of teen who died in a sewer strikes down those who don't repost her story on Facebook.
Did CARMEN WINSTEAD really die in a sewer?
No way! Its completely not true. Though I repost it, its not real. How can such karma happen like the boy dying after her? And how do we really know if he read it and did not repost? If it were real, it would have been on the news and there would have been search sites on the internet. I say it is FALSE.
Answer: check out the story at , it's a FALSE story
Category: Other - News & Events
Chain letter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For instance, the chain post/email of "Carmen winstead", a girl who was pushed down a sewage drain in a firedrill, states that, "if you do not repost/send this to ...
THE NEW SEASON FILM; October Release Schedule
OCTOBER Oct. 5 HELL AND BACK AGAIN Danfung Denniss documentary follows Nathan Harris, a 25-year-old Marine sergeant, as he returns to life in small town North Carolina after being seriously wounded in Afghanistan. Oct. 6 THE NINE MUSES The British filmmaker John Akomfrah combines Greek mythology, views of the Alaskan landscape, archival footage - By DAVE KEHR
Was CARMEN WINSTEAD Real? | Phils Advice
The Carmen winstead urban legend is one of those stories that never really seems to die. Its a story that involves a lot of innate human fears, making it
Are the stories on Myspace about CARMEN WINSTEAD true, where can I get more info about this girl?
I am watching the Descent, so I am already scared, and then i check out myspace and see a bulletin about a girl named Carmen winstead and how she was pushed. I was scared so I reposted it. It also said that a boy was, in FACT, was found in the sewer with his face peeled off and his neck broke. Will someone explain this all to me? TRUE OR FALSE
Answer: OMG! How can you even start to think this is true. Yes, its possible a girl fell into a sewer, but do you think that if this dead person was going around committing millions of murders from non-posting myspacers, that the only way to spread the word is through MYSPACE BULLITENS!! HELLO!!!! Dont you think it would be spread through television, radio, newspapers? no, because the only way apparently is through Myspace bullitens (which BTW, are apparently taken so seriously). I hate when people actually think that if they dont repost a bulliten, they will never fall in love, or wont live past midnight. Come on people, GROW UP!
Category: History
is CARMEN WINSTEAD a real person and have a true story?
i got a forward from a friend mentioning this girl. It really freaked me out and i wanted to know the truth behind all this chaos.
Answer: According to the world wide web, the story is just urban legend that was started by some girls on myspace. There are actually several different versions, but they are all basically the same.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
CARMEN WINSTEAD Story « News Update
Carmen winstead Story the story of Carmen winstead a 17-year-old girl supposedly pushed down a sewer and killed by a gang of girls from her school. Carmen winstead Ghost Story: Carmen winstead story is a classic ...
Is the CARMEN WINSTEAD ghost story true?
Im sure people have heard about the Carmen winstead story! i just got a text in forming me that a 17 year old girl got pushed down a well at an school fire drill, broke her neck, and every1 just said she fell. if u dont forward the text she will come after u! if this true or a bunch of crap?
Answer: The story is just an urban legend, not true. See this site for the REAL story:
Category: Mythology & Folklore
Real Story Of CARMEN WINSTEAD - YouTube
Aug 30, 2009 ... The Real truth on what happen with Carmen winstead!!
Abουt 6 years ago іn Indiana, Carmen winstead wаѕ pushed down a sewer opening bу 5 girls іn hеr school, trying tο embarrass hеr іn front οf hеr school during a fire drill. Whеn ѕhе didn't submerge thе police wеrе called. ...
the mytery of CARMEN WINSTEAD. | Blogs | LAGbook
Make New Friends from all over Africa and Earn free etisalat airtime while Socializing on Africa\s fastest growing social network! Join LAGbook (Ladies And Gentlemen ...
Was CARMEN WINSTEAD Real? | Phil's Advice
The Carmen winstead urban legend is one of those stories that never really seems to die. It's a story that involves a lot of innate human fears, making it.
CARMEN WINSTEAD Was Pushed Down a Sewer! - Urban Legends
Chain-letter-style Internet postings tell the story of Carmen winstead, a 17-year- old girl supposedly pushed down a sewer and killed by a gang of girls from her ...
Did anyone get a hoax stating that CARMEN WINSTEAD will kill us all?
I got a weird hoax that said that Carmen winstead got pushed down a sewer and if you dont forward the email, then she will come to kill us all. This is not really a question, but I just wanted to warn everyone.
Answer: You wanted to warn us about a hoax?
Category: Mythology & Folklore
CARMEN WINSTEAD Story | Scary For Kids
The story of Carmen winstead is a chain letter about a 17 year old girl who died when she was pushed down a sewer by five ...
Just read the "Carmen winstead" quite freaky actually, I even made sure it wasnt true by going on wiki! From: ClareLloydX - Source: web
@Libb_Iann @sstefb @SaraKhatri_13 @katielewczynski READ THIS, I NEARLY CRIED From: abr_reb - Source: web
RT @Aken2215: Im about to battle a ghost fuck Oh Carmen winstead...#comeatme From: Jmayer27gi - Source: Twitter for Android
This is terrible. R.I.P Carmen. I believe this and I hope that no-one ever suffers bullying like this again. From: EmiJStonelake - Source: Tweet Button
@SheaSuddarth Carmen winstead is coming to get you!! From: KateMarchbanks - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Carmen winstead Story | Scary For Kids via @justinbieber From: bieberssgirl6 - Source: Tweet Button
Carmen winstead Story | Scary For Kids via @scaryforkids" From: bieberssgirl6 - Source: Tweet Button
@PurdyBubblegum No, its a chainletter. -__- Google Carmen winstead. From: CloseMyCasket_ - Source: Mobile Web
of Carmen winstead.
FACT: About two months later, 16-year-old David Gregory read this post and didnt repost it. When he went to From: marykdeboer - Source: web
Winstead, but they were wrong.
Months later, Carmen’s classmates began receiving strange e-mails on their MySpaces. From: marykdeboer - Source: web
Carmen winstead’s death was ruled an accident and the case was closed. Everyone thought that was the last they would hear of Carmen From: marykdeboer - Source: web
OML!!! JUST READ THAT Carmen winstead STORY!FML!! IM SCARED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3 From: Manonsian - Source: web
freaking the FUCK out at the Carmen winstead chain mail From: elliehancockk - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Carmen winstead Story | Scary For Kids via @scaryforkids" OMG!! this is scary!!!! From: justinb_abbie99 - Source: Tweet Button
@A_Cont4 bewear Carmen winstead!! From: AnnaStebanx0o - Source: web