Who invented the piano: Piano History - Who Invented the Piano?

memories of the Fifties
memories of the Fifties
Linda Ronstadt.item 5b.. somewhere out there – Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram .
Linda Ronstadt.item 5b.. somewhere out there – Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram .
History Lesson: The Story of the Man Who Invented the Piano.
History Lesson: The Story of the Man Who Invented the Piano.
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musician - 3
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musician - 3
Who Invented the Piano?
Who Invented the Piano?
The Pianola Institute - History of the Pianola - Inventors
The Pianola Institute - History of the Pianola - Inventors
Who Invented The Piano
Who Invented The Piano
Free sheet music : Bach, Johann Sebastian - BWV 784 - Invention 13.
Free sheet music : Bach, Johann Sebastian - BWV 784 - Invention 13.
Player Piano History and Development
Player Piano History and Development
Yo-Yo Flamingo
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Who invented the piano and when?. and why?
Who invented the piano and when?. and why?
The Project Gutenberg eBook of How The Piano Came To Be, by Ellye.
The Project Gutenberg eBook of How The Piano Came To Be, by Ellye.
Image from page 633 of St. Nicholas [serial] (1873)
Image from page 633 of St. Nicholas [serial] (1873)
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musician - 1
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musician - 1
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - 5
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - 5
Who invented the piano?
Who invented the piano?
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - Kris
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - Kris
DSC01047 The McKissick 3/19 Mighty Wurlitzer. Foxburg Pennsylvania
DSC01047 The McKissick 3/19 Mighty Wurlitzer. Foxburg Pennsylvania
Gretchen Hood grave - Glenwood Cemetery - 2014-09-19
Gretchen Hood grave - Glenwood Cemetery - 2014-09-19
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - 4
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - 4
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. How much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it.
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. How much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it.
Who Invented the Piano - Life123
Who Invented the Piano - Life123
Who Invented The Piano? | Keyboards, Guitars, Amps and Recording Gear
Who Invented The Piano? | Keyboards, Guitars, Amps and Recording Gear
Hood plot - Glenwood Cemetery - 2014-09-19
Hood plot - Glenwood Cemetery - 2014-09-19
On the piano Chopin invented an orchestral universe that belonged.
On the piano Chopin invented an orchestral universe that belonged.
Liszt: the man who invented modern music ��� Telegraph Blogs
Liszt: the man who invented modern music ��� Telegraph Blogs
Man Who Invented The Piano
Man Who Invented The Piano
Bartolomeo Cristofori - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bartolomeo Cristofori - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musician - 2
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musician - 2
All by myself
All by myself
The Pianola Institute - History of the Pianola - Inventors
The Pianola Institute - History of the Pianola - Inventors
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - 6
Indonesia - Java - Yogyakarta - Kraton - Museum - Gamelan Musicians - 6
Piano Invented By Leonardo Da Vinci | by Pac Nam.
Piano Invented By Leonardo Da Vinci | by Pac Nam.
Who invented the Piano? Bartolomeo Cristoforis.
Who invented the Piano? Bartolomeo Cristoforis.
Mugatu - I invented the piano key necktie! - YouTube
Mugatu - I invented the piano key necktie! - YouTube
Invention 1 - J.S. Bach (Piano) - YouTube
Invention 1 - J.S. Bach (Piano) - YouTube
who invented the piano - Bartolomeo Cristofori.
who invented the piano - Bartolomeo Cristofori.
The First Piano by Bartolomeo Cristofori - YouTube
The First Piano by Bartolomeo Cristofori - YouTube
Victor Borge, The History Of Piano - YouTube
Victor Borge, The History Of Piano - YouTube
Bartolomeo Cristofori, Inventor of the Piano.
Bartolomeo Cristofori, Inventor of the Piano.
Pianos : Who Invented the Piano? - YouTube
Pianos : Who Invented the Piano? - YouTube
Inventor animation - Piano - YouTube
Inventor animation - Piano - YouTube
I invented the piano key necktie! - YouTube
I invented the piano key necktie! - YouTube
4 year old plays RCM Grade 7 piano Bach.
4 year old plays RCM Grade 7 piano Bach.
Pianos : History of Grand Pianos - YouTube
Pianos : History of Grand Pianos - YouTube
History of the Piano - YouTube
History of the Piano - YouTube
Piano Bach Invention #13 - YouTube
Piano Bach Invention #13 - YouTube
Who invented the piano - Bartolomeo Cristofori.
Who invented the piano - Bartolomeo Cristofori.

Ravels Piano Style: A Bermuda Triangle

Are performers ready to rediscover Ravel? Of course, Ravel is the most popular composer of the century, and his works have survived years of use and abuse at the center of the piano and orchestral repertories. Constant play has proved the durability of the music but has made it too easy to take its qualities for granted. New piano recordings by Andre Laplante, Christopher ORiley and Alexander Toradze show that for all its popularity, the music remains an elusive mixture of styles and sensibilities. Critics have often assumed that Ravels music is performer-proof. Play what you see, Ned Rorem instructs performers. The notes will take care of themselves. That advice is no more helpful for Ravel than for any other composer. Virgil Thomson claimed that Ravels music was self-evidently about a nonromantic view of life. as if the 19th century had never, save for its technical discoveries, existed. So much for the Lisztian Gaspard de la Nuit, and the evocations of Schubert, Chopin and Schumann in Valses Nobles et Sentimentales.

Who Invented The Piano? Well it was Bartolomeo Cristofori

Who invented the piano��� well it was Bartolomeo Cristofori (di Francesco) (1655-1731), from Italy. He lived to the ripe old age of 76 which for the seventeen hundreds is not too shabby. Around 1700 he had been working on adapting the��.

Art/Architecture; A Lesson Abroad: Get Comfortable With Continuity

NEW YORK architecture is beginning to remind me of art-movie houses in the early 1960s: the best stuff now is coming from overseas. For better or worse, this is a phenomenon. Christian de Portzamparc; Renzo Piano; Aldo Rossi; Jean Nouvel; Sir Norman Foster; Yoshio Taniguchi; Rem Koolhaas; Philippe Starck; and David Chipperfield have all designed projects for New York in recent years. Since Ive given much of this work favorable notice, Im happy to explain my reasons. This is also a good time to explore some of the reasons New York architects are disturbed to see a few high-profile jobs going to their colleagues from abroad.. Herbert Muschamp column explores phenomenon by which foreign architects, including Christian de Portzamparc, Renzo Piano, Aldo Rossi, Jean Nouvel, Yoshio Taniguchi and David Chipperfield, have succeeded in designing postmodern structures for city while American architects, seemingly unable to reconcile history with change, have not; drawings (M)

After Piano and Fortepiano, the Synthesizer?

THE AUTHENTICITY MOVEMENT WAS born under the sign of the avant-garde, all manifesto and rebellion. It is coming to an end in quiet maturity. Indeed, in a recent series of Beethoven piano sonatas played on early instruments at Merkin Concert Hall, the greatest revelation was that there was none. At least in the eight sonatas I heard, Malcolm Bilsons stated ambition to open new paths of thought was only modestly fulfilled. Mr. Bilson, the godfather of the eight-concert, seven-pianist, four-piano series was, as usual, a consummate musician, playing with intelligence and verve, and some of the other pianists were insightful as well, but was anything established that we did not already know? Over the years, modern pianos have proved how inadequate their historical rivals are, and historical instruments have returned the insult. They are both correct. We know, for example, that some of Beethovens pedal markings can be executed only approximately on contemporary instruments and that his sharply etched dynamic changes can sound artificial on the modern Steinway. On the other hand, Russell Shermans penetrating Beethoven performances heard recently at the Miller Theater on the campus of Columbia University and Richard Goodes ever-deepening Beethoven interpretations, to be presented in part later this month at Avery Fisher Hall, would be inconceivable on the lovely five-octave replica of a 1790 Anton Walter fortepiano used at Merkin Hall.

John Goffe Rand ��� inventor of the collapsible tube

The only types of containers that were available for saving leftover paint were glass syringes, and cases made of dry pigs bladders. Neither of these were very useful. John went about experimenting, and ended up designing a collapsible tube made of.

Who Invented The Piano? | Keyboards, Guitars, Amps.

If you do come across the acoustic grand piano once in a while, then you will truly get amazed by the grandeur of the instrument and also marvel at modern technology which has made keyboard instruments so portable.


Edwin A. Link, inventor of the Link flight simulator used to train pilots and other airmen under instrument flying conditions, died of cancer Monday at his home in Binghamton, N.Y. Mr. Link, who was 77 years old, also lived in Fort Pierce, Fla. In an interview in 1958, Mr. Link estimated that his flight simulator had been used in training more than two million airmen, including 500,000 pilots during World War II. The flight simulator used during the war was known as the AN-T-18 Basic Instrument Trainer, called the Blue Box by fledgling pilots. It was standard equipment at every air-training school in the United States and Allied countries.

Piano History - Who Invented the Piano?

Piano history is a fascinating story originating 2300 years ago. The story of the piano is a journey to ancient times and back again. Discover the history of pianos and their development through time.

Liszt: the man who invented stage fright ��� Telegraph Blogs.

http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/culture/stephenhough/100053906/liszt-the-man-who-invented-stage-fright/. Piano Education for All Ages and Abilities. Facebook �� Twitter �� Google+ �� EPTA UK��.

Man Who Invented The Piano

Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco is widely considered to be the man who invented the piano. Wow. Think about that. What an impact one man can have on the lives of so many generations of people! And, yet, we know fairly little about��.

For the Piano, Chords of Change

LEAD: IN A SMALL MINI-MALL, NOT far from the Las Vegas strip, stands Nevadas third most popular tourist attraction (after gambling and the Hoover Dam) - the Liberace Museum. It houses all the outfits, rhinestones and glitz one might expect, including a painting of the late pianists mother, opulent gifts from royalty and an extravagantly decorated Rolls-Royce.

Cedar Hills girl recognized in Utah for Ellis Island 125th anniversary essay

She created a backstory of a Spanish girl traveling to New York City ���stuffed at the bottom of a ship��� with the cattle where it was smelly, dark, wet and harbored many sick people. ���I wanted to create the journey exactly how it was, what they did.

Piano man: Chilly Gonzales gets serious about being goofy

Track nine of Chambers, the engrossing new album from the rapping, piano-shredding pop chameleon Chilly Gonzales, is called The Difference. Its dedicated to ���musicians everywhere,��� and is accompanied in the liner notes by this provocation: ���There are .

Mark Petersen

. pictured the world and the constellations. And theres the original scheme of how they invented the Internet.. LISTENING I played piano and cello growing up and I like classical music, particularly Beethovens symphonies. They are just so.

Who Invented The Piano? - Online Piano Coach

The first piano Gravicembalo col piano e forte was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori in Italy around the beginning of the 1700s. But when learning about the history of pianos and the development of the piano we have today, its interesting to��.

Giller winner, elite guitarist, circus performers star in Music and Beyond.

Returning artists, who were popular at previous festivals, include Germanys Auryn Quartet and the Vienna Piano Trio; Ottawa counter-tenor Daniel Taylor and the Theatre of Early Music; Ottawa mezzo-soprano Wallis Giunta; and the National Arts Centre.

Critical Mass Happy 100th, Lady Day

The former, Yesterday I Had the Blues (Blue Note), is a stylistically faithful collection of nine well-known Holiday songs -- including God Bless the Child, Strange Fruit and Lover Man -- tastefully touched up with some piano digressions by Jason.

Problems of a Lady in Retirement; Invented Backgrounds

MOST people used to be convinced that there would always be an England, but with the falling pound, the Irish troubles and Britains entry into the Common Market, that proposition seems less certain.. Article describes English atmosphere on board former Cunard liner Queen Mary, now permanently moored at Long Beach, Calif, and furnished as combination museum, series of restaurants and hotel-tourist complex; shipboard tour described; master lessee for commercial facilities is Specialty Restaurants Inc; illus


NOW that the opera company has departed into the East, where Mr. Alvarez is regarded as a greater artist than Jean de Reszke, and only Mme. Sembrich occupies a position similar to that accorded by New York, the really musical people of New York are having a chance to listen to real music.

Laurens Hammond Dies at 78; Invented Electric Organ in 30s

Laurens Hammond, inventor of the electric organ, died yester day at his home here. His age was 78. Mr. Hammond, who retired as chairman of the Hammond Organ Company (now the Ham mond Corporation) in 1960,hadalso invented a tickless. L Hammond dies on July 1 at age of 78; por

The Invention of the Piano - Today I Found Out

As for when Cristofori invented what is today known as the piano, an inventory of de Medicis musical instruments from 1700 reveals that the first piano was created by this date, though originally called an ���arpicimbalo���:.

How the Rich Stole Jazz Music

���Jelly Roll Morton used to say that he invented jazz,��� Dr. Michael White, the clarinetist and musical historian, told the crowd from the Peoples Economy stage as his Original Liberty Jazz Band paused between numbers. ���He didnt invent. ���I wont.

EAP2 20150212: who invented the piano, microscope and.

Piano: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano). Microscope: From Zacharias Janssen, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microscope). Zipper: From Whitcomb L. Judson, the��.

Who Invented the Piano? | key-notes

It was a harpsichord maker named Bartolomeo Cristofori who invented the piano in 1700. Cristofori (pronounced kris-TOFF-or-ee) (1655-1731) was from Padua, in the Republic of Venice in northern Italy. He primarily built harpsichords and��.

Liszt: the man who invented concert life as we know it.

The man who grew up in a world where pianists played perhaps just one item on mixed concert programmes ended up inventing the piano recital (his word) ��� pianist as star, at the centre of the stage for a whole evening,��.

Who Invented the Piano and Other Geeky Piano Facts

The first true piano was invented almost entirely by one man���Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655���1731) ���of Padua, who had been appointed in 1688 to the Florentine court of Grand Prince Ferdinando de Medici to care for its��.


On Wednesday at the Metropolitan Museum some 30 pianos of various makes and vintages will be displayed, some for the first time, in an exhibit called Keynotes: Two Centuries of Piano Design that will continue through Nov. 29. The oldest known piano (Bartolomeo Cristofori, 1720, still playable) will be there, as will square, upright, multipedaled and lavishly decorated specimens, along with works of art showing the piano in its various social contexts. Visitors to the exhibit, which was organized by the curator of the Mets Department of Musical Instruments, Laurence Libin, will be able to hear the instruments on an audioguide, but participants in the 25th-anniversary meeting of the Comite International des Musees et Collections dInstruments de Musique (a part of the International Council of Museums) will hear some of them under the fingers of the well-known harpsichordist (and, more recently, fortepianist) Igor Kipnis, in a private recital Tuesday. Mr. Kipnis discussed the program and his new field of keyboard activity by phone the other day from his West Redding, Conn., retreat. Ill be playing the Mozart Adagio in B minor and Fantasy in D minor, he said, and 12 Ecossaises and a very early Fantasy in C minor by Schubert, and the Pathetique sonata of Beethoven. On two pianos.

Symphony review: DSSO finishes season with a big, bold Beethovens 9th

Comprised of violinists Sami Merdinian and Sarah Whitney, Angela Pickett on viola, Laura Metcalf on cello, and Louis Levitt on double bass, the quintet made the most of their week in Duluth, performing at various local schools. They also closed Matinee.

How the Piano Was Invented - Gizmodo

. Cristofori, an accomplished craftsman who lived and worked during that era. You may not know his name, but you do know his greatest invention- the harpsichord with loud and soft, better known today as the piano.

How the Piano Was Invented

Before Cristofori invented the piano, there was a decided lack of a stringed instrument with a keyboard that offered a range of musical expression and was suitable for public performances. The main options at the time consisted of the harpsichord and.

Who Invented the Piano?

The piano is a very popular and versatile music instrument, which is widely used as an accompaniment, as part of chamber music as well as ensembles. It is used a lot in jazz and Western classical music. To understand this instrument much��.

Virtuosity Flows From Street to Piano

If you have spent time on the East Side of Manhattan around the United Nations, there is a good chance you have seen a man walking around looking a bit like Elton John circa 1977.. Who was that guy in the feather boa walking down Madison with Vladimir Horowitz?


SERGEI RACHMANINOFF will drop in at brunch in the New Ballroom this Sunday to play a Chopin Scherzo. George Gershwin will stop by to show off his Rhapsody in Blue. Josef Lhevinne will turn up to give a glimpse at his interpretation of Beethovens Moonlight Sonata. These long-dead artists will not be heard on recordings. Instead, a Knabe concert grand piano will be played automatically, according to half-century-old instructions left by the artists. Out of this instrument, trills will whir, rubatos will twist melodic lines, and fortissimo chords will ring out. Apart from old recordings - which despite feeble fidelity have their own glory - the sound is the closest we can come to hearing how a master approached the piano a half century ago. The secret to this mechanical seance of sorts is to be found inside and underneath the nine-foot Knabe. It is an AMPICO B Reproducing Mechanism - a complex assembly of electric motor parts, a pneumatic vacuum pump, brass tubings, electrical contacts, levers - an assembly whose complexity exceeds that of the pianistic machine itself. It translates thousands of punched holes in a long roll of paper; they supposedly encode -down to the most minute expressive detail - the playing of a human being.

Adolph, Betty and a Piano in the Ladies Room

ON Oct. 25 I heard the sad news that Adolph Green had died in his sleep the night before. Unbelievable! Im sure if he had been awake at the time, he would never have allowed it to happen. Its hard to imagine that this sensitive, slightly mad, totally unique individual wont be answering the phone. I first met Adolph and his lifelong writing partner, Betty Comden, professionally when they asked me to write some songs with them for a futuristic revue directed by Adolphs wife, Phyllis Newman, called Straws in the Wind. It was such a positive experience that we decided to continue the collaboration.. Broadway producer Cy Coleman tribute to late lyricist Adolph Green; cartoon (S)

Someone Has Invented a Grand Piano Only Cats Can Hear

Someone Has Invented a Grand Piano Only Cats Can Hear (And Theres an Album, Too). Cats have awesomely good hearing. While most humans top out at 15,000 hz, cats can detect sounds up to (and maybe beyond)��.

Who Invented the Piano? - Piano Play It

We will learn about the inventor of the piano on this page, and how he affected the future to come. Bartolomeo Cristofori (di Francesco) of Padua is the one who invented the piano. Bartolomeo Cristofori. 1709 is a major year in piano history,��.

WHO INVENTED THE PIANO? Google doodle marks Bartolomeo Cristoforis 360th.

Googles latest doodle celebrates the 360th birthday of the man widely credited with inventing the piano. Bartolomeo Cristofori was born in Padua on this day in 1655 in what was then the Republic of Venice. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, the .

Listen To A Crazy Piano Invented By Leonardo Da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci, in between doing stuff like painting the best-known piece of art in the world, apparently had time to sketch up a quick blueprint for an instrument: the viola organista, a piano-violin hybrid that he never built.

Will Claflin of CTP is a digital storyteller with a piano keyboard at his desk

CTP invented their own award system called Boost, a companywide app that tracks your wellness. If you take the stairs up to the office or run on the treadmill at work you get a certain amount of points. It goes across all aspects of your day, so you.

Want financial success? Say No! to saying No!

Thats why Keeffe, author of How to Get What You Want in Life with the Money You Already Have, invented the Change Game. Ive tried it, and its a simple and unbelievably powerful way to get focused on your financial goals. The first step: Dont.


IN AN IMPECCABLY TAILORED gray plaid business suit, Guy-Philippe Lannes de Montebello, to give his full aristocratic name at the outset, receives a visitor in his sunny, spacious office overlooking Fifth Avenue at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. As director of the Met, he is entitled to one of the roomier offices off a dim tunnel-like corridor on the mezzanine floor -the museums executive row. The visitor makes the mistake of sitting in a red leather designers chair in front of the large desk, but with a broad gesture, de Montebello beckons him instead to an elegant English-made armchair in the French style, at the side. Come over to my turf, he says. The leather chair, he continues, is a terrible place to sit. It looks as if you were applying for a job. De Montebello is 49, a naturalized United States citizen since 1955, and the eighth man to achieve the directorship of the Met in the museums 115-year history. His tenure so far has been impeccably correct. His exhibition record - a string of gold-plated popular successes like the mammoth India! show currently running - has been made up of noticeable crowd-pleasers. Radio spots and the Acoustiguide tapes that accompany the museums major exhibitions have made his voice, in the public imagination, synonymous with the Met.

Crash Kills Dr. Peter Goldmark, Scientist Who Invented LP Disk; Crash Kills Dr. Peter Goldmark, Scientist Who Invented LP Disk

Dr. Peter Carl Goldmark, whose invention of the long-playing phonograph record for CBS revolutionized the recorded-music industry, was killed yesterday in an automobile accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway in Westchester County. He was 71 years old.


Jean and Kenneth Wentworth have long championed music for piano, four hands (as opposed to two-piano music), and Sunday night at Town Hall they presented a two-intermissioned mini-marathon devoted to the complete works in that form by the composer who more or less invented it in the first place, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.. duo-pianists J and K Wentworth concert of complete four-hand works of W A Mozart revd by R Sherman

Strong Sense of Place at the Reinvented Whitney

Here, Piano, who might have taken inspiration from Jazz at Lincoln Center at the Time Warner Center, whose characteristic feature is a monumental view of Central Park, has made sure that the Whitney now owns one of the most sought after event spaces in .

Max Mara Hosts a Dinner to Celebrate Renzo Piano and the New Whitney.

Last nights party to officially open the new Whitney Museum began with a dinner for 80 and, inevitably, there were a few toasts. ���I can hardly say who invented the building, honestly,��� said its architect Renzo Piano, noting that the project involved.

Milan Expo 2015: whats the point?

Milan is a most serious city. With Leonardo da Vinci, Giorgio Armani and Ruud Gullit on the books, it couldnt be otherwise. Strolling around last week, I kept wondering where the parliament buildings or senate might be. The place has that sort of.

Crash Kills Dr. Peter Goldmark, Scientist Who Invented LP Disk; Crash Kills Dr. Peter Goldmark, Scientist Who Invented LP Disk

. Dr Peter Carl Goldmark, who invented long-playing phonograph record, dies in auto accident on Hutchinson River Pkwy (S)

An Ensemble Attuned to the Pangs of Piano Wires

Whenever an artist produces something so boggling and so inexplicable as to defy more than a cursory understanding at first brush, I am reminded of the science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarkes suggestion that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. There was magic in the air on Thursday evening at the Eyebeam Art and Technology Center in Chelsea, when a new piece by Eli Keszler, L-Carrier, was introduced before a rapt audience. Mr. Keszlers work presents several paradoxes. A percussionist with roots in punk rock and free improvisation, he fuses chaos and order in his drumming: a burble and clatter akin to what European drummers like Tony Oxley and Han Bennink invented in the late 1960s to distinguish their work from American free jazz. Mr. Keszlers penchant for pealing, ringing metal evokes another European percussionist, Eddie Prévost of the English collective AMM.. Steve Smith reviews premiere of Eli Keszlers new music composition L-Carrier at the Eyebeam Art and Technology Center. Photo (M)


THE renowned pianist Abbey Simon, whose recital tonight at 8 in Carnegie Hall comes as part of his 60th birthday celebration, is convinced that the solo performance remains the ultimate test of any artist. I think it is the most illuminating thing that an artist can do, he said the other day. I was brought up in the great tradition of the piano recital. I heard Hofmann, Backhaus, Rachmaninoff, Lhevinne - all great artists -and I believe they achieved their greatest heights not in concertos, but in their recitals. Playing with an orchestra is an exciting experience, its a chance to make an impression and all that. But when all is said and done, were going to judge the artist not on the Rachmaninoff Third, or the Brahms D minor, or Beethovens Emperor, but on how he plays in recital. Its his opportunity to show himself as whatever he is. How else can you judge an artist, or better yet, how can an artist reveal himself more fully, than by playing for an hour and a half up there?


LEAD: AN ARTISTS JOURNEY Lettres dun Bachelier es Musique, 1835-1841. By Franz Liszt. Edited and translated by Charles Suttoni. Illustrated. 260 pp. Illinois:: The University of Chicago Press. FRANZ LISZT Volume Two: The Weimar Years, 1848-1861. By Alan Walker. Illustrated.

This is how absurd you look taking a call on your Apple Watch

If someone invented a pair of shoes that fit only on one foot where youd have to hop around to get anywhere, would you say Awsome and trendy! The one.. Please, just stop it, youre as visually awkward as the guy using a tablet to film his kids.

IN THE GERMAN CAPITAL; Dr. Mosers Sounding Board the Talk of Pianists. THE KAISER WAS MISQUOTED He Did Not Pronounce the French Navy Superior to the British -- Growth of the Co-operative Societies.

BERLIN, Aug. 8. -- Then, Dr. Moser, with your sounding board a piano will be as good in ten or twelve years as on the day of its purchase?. Mosers Piano Sounding Board; Edward Buck Letter to Times

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