Green COMET LOVEJOY Photobombs Night Sky Photos by Stargazers
Amateur astronomers captured amazing photos of a bright comet as it raced across the sky this week. The comet was officially catalogued as C/2014 Q2, but many refer to it as Comet Lovejoy, named for the amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy who discovered .
Fifty Race Meetings for Speed Boats Listed for Northern Waters This Year; REGATTA OFFICIALS SET BUSY PROGRAM
Motor cruiser folks have stepped momentarily out of the limelight at the National Motor Boat Show to give their little brothers of the outboard field a chance. Racing commissions of one kind or another. Schedule
MOTOR BOAT SHOW WILL OPEN FRIDAY; 8-Day Exhibition at Grand Central Palace Will Bring Touch of Summer Here
Deep-water as well as shallow-draft skippers along with hordes of landlubbers who dont know an anchor from an andiron hut would like to learn will have a glorious eight days, beginning this week.. Amer Horse Shows Assn annual meeting; A Van Sinderen re-elected pres
COMET LOVEJOYs greenish glow visible with naked eye tonight
Lovejoy, named after the Australian amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy (who has five comets to his name), crosses the celestial equator tonight, meaning it can best be seen from the Northern hemisphere. Its about 70,200,000 kilometers (43,600,000 miles) .
COBB TO SEEK MARK IN JET SPEED BOAT; English Driver Plans Initial Test to Surpass World Mile Record on Tuesday
In another few days the speedboat world will know whether the English 31-foot jet-propelled craft Crusader has been souped up enough to beat the world straightaway one-mile speed record of 178 miles an hour, set last month by Stan Sayres at Seattle in his Slomo-shun IV.
COMET LOVEJOY glows brightest during mid-January
Comet Lovejoy, already being tracked by backyard astronomers worldwide, is entering its best and brightest two weeks for viewing. From about January 7th through 24th the comet is predicted to be glowing at 4th magnitude���bright enough that skywatchers .
150 Craft Made Fast in Indoor Harbor for Motor Boat Show Preview Tonight; LARGEST EXHIBIT SINCE 1930 IN VIEW Fleet Ranging From 6-Footers to 20-Ton Cruiser Moored in Grand Central Palace ROOMINESS IS THE TREND Interesting Accessories on Display--Thousands Will VisitTonights Session
Tonight, for the thirty-fourth time, twenty-odd thousand seaminded folk will mill around for the preview of an annual National Motor Boat Show to reconnoiter. Most of them will return.. show; awards
Comet Lovejoy is putting on a spectacular show ��� and.
As its name indicates, the comet was first spotted by amateur astronomer extraordinaire Terry Lovejoy, whose modifications of early digital cameras for use in astrophotography created a generation of amateur comet-hunters.
Cruiser Association Elects Hoyt; Jersey Boatman Is Commodore of Easts Group
Honors and rewards are going in rapid succession to a Jersey yachtsman, Dr. Anson G. Hoyt of Rumson, and Red Bank. Last night he was elected commodore of the Eastern Cruiser Association. This makes him the top figure in predicted log contests in these parts.
Amateur astronomers capture comet Lovejoy on camera
Stargazers in places devoid of light pollution will have the best opportunity to see the green glow of comet Lovejoy, tail and all. Some backyard astronomers were able to capture photographs of the comet, over the last couple of nights, as it drifted.
Ditch the cigarettes to see comet Lovejoy, says astronomer
The comet is currently near Taurus to the right of Orion on the far left. Like other comets, Lovejoy is big chunk of ice and dust orbiting the sun. It belongs to the family of long period comets which means it takes a long time to travel in from the.
COMET LOVEJOYs tail gets pinched / Let there be (refracted.
Lovejoy gets kinky. In this photo taken January 8th, the comets tail is caught in the act of separated from the head or coma. Magnetic fields embedded in the stream of particles from the Sun occasionally reconnect on the rear��.
Lovejoy Comet: How to See It With the Naked Eye
Those who missed catching a glimpse of comet Lovejoy when it made its closest approach to Earth this week still have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the glowing green celestial body. Lovejoy is at its closest approach to Earth this week, some 44.
See Comet Lovejoy at its best | Astronomy Now
The fifth comet discovery of Australian amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy on 17th August 2014, it quickly became apparent that this was a long-period comet with a high orbital inclination of 80��, but this isnt its first visit to the��.
Comet Lovejoy comes to a sky near you
WASHINGTON, January 10, 2015 ��� Sky-gazers will be able to see the green-glowing comet Lovejoy with only binoculars ��� or possibly even the naked eye in the right conditions ��� for the next two weeks. Lovejoy, officially cataloged as C/2014Q2, will be at.
Get ready for Comet Lovejoy! | Astronomy Now
Captured on the border of southern constellations Puppis and Columba on 16th December in this wonderful image by Damian Peach, the coma of comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy is glowing green due to the fluorescence of��.
Cosmic Belch: Comet Lovejoy Gives Birth to a Space Blob
Astrophotographers are having a blast watching Comet Lovejoy (C/2012 Q2), and overnight the brightening comet had a blast as well. Pictures taken over the course of several hours on Thursday night show a blob of plasma that marked a disconnection .
150,000 EXPECTED TO SEE EXHIBITION; Motor Boat Show to Continue 7 Full Days, Except Sunday, After Opening Tonight
Beginning again this year New York will have not one but its two traditional yachting seasons as in pre-war times, the summer period afloat, come next June, and the welcome mid-winter nautical excitement known as the National Motor Boat Show.. show discussed; various assn meetings listed
Aljo V Takes National Sweepstakes Speed-Boat Honors on North Shrewsbury; VAN BLERCK CRAFT 2D IN FINAL HEAT
RED BANK, N.J., Aug. 22 -- Instead of any one boat running away with the cups, bowls and silver plate trophies, the two-day Red Bank regatta wound up tonight, as gray skies and the rumble of approaching thunderstorms began to darken the North Shrewsbury River, with three speed craft sharing top honors.
National Motor Boat Show Opens Eight-Day Cruise at Grand Central Palace; EXHIBITORS TOTAL 248 AT 43D EVENT Largest National Motor Boat Show Offers Big Cruisers to Build-It-Yourself Kits BOATINGS FUN SLOGAN England, Canada Represented -- Bronx Lads First to Enter -- 55-Footer Flagship
Cruising along under the new and apt slogan Boatings Fun, New Yorks annual January delight, the National Motor Boat Show, opened for the forty-third time in its history of forty-eight years last night in Grand Central Palace.. show opens
Yachtsmen Are Warming Up for Hot-Stove Competition; Coliseum Boat Show, Many Conventions Are on Calendar Power Boat Unit to Meet Racing Group to Convene New Post for Hauser Exhibits to Be Educational Manhasset Meeting Jan. 12
Next to the month of June when a summers cruising can begin, the yachtsmans best month is January. However, cold, blustery and snowbound, January is still the time for the National Motor Boat Show in New York.
Comet Lovejoy appears closest to earth - KIMA of Yakima, WA
Comet Lovejoy is only expected to appear once every ten-thousand years.
Jewelry Keeps Pace With Interest of Girls in Sport
Pleasure boating is no longer pre-empted by men. There has been an emancipation of women.
Cabin Heater Keeps Yachtsmen Out in Cold Longer Now; Season Is Prolonged by Clever Gadgets to Beat the Chill
In southern states year-round pleasure boating is perfectly possible and feasible. The trick in northern latitudes is to prolong the yachting season by adding two or three fall months and two or three more in the spring to the conventional, traditional summer vacation season and emerge with a sevenmonth, perhaps eight-month, span.. Article on cold weather gear offered by Sudbury Lab, US Rubber Co, other mfrs; illus
Comet LoveJoy (C/2014 Q2) Peaking Tonight Wednesday.
Comet LoveJoy ��� officially known as C/2014 Q2 ��� will be reaching its closest approach to the Earth tonight (~43.5 million miles), as well as its brightest-appearance as seen from the Earth. The comet is expected to reach a��.
BOAT SHOW SIGNS EXHIBITOR NO. 362; New York Dealer to Display German Craft Tonight at Coliseum Preview Kit Boats to Be on View Reception at Essex House
Snow, ice and below-zero weather have a wonderfully stimulating effect on boat shows. They make winter-bound folks hanker for the summer ahead and for vacation days afloat.
Stargazers urged to look out for Comet Lovejoy - before it disappears for 8000.
He said: Comet Lovejoy was named after an Australian amateur astronomer called Terry Lovejoy. Its going to be at its brightest over the next couple of weeks. If youre in a light-polluted area you will definitely need binoculars to see it, but if.
National Motor Boat Show Opens Tonight at Grand Central Palace; YACHTSMEN READY FOR 1948 PREVIEW
Weighing anchor tonight with a four-hour preview, starting at 7 oclock at Grand Central Palace on Lexington Avenue, the annual mid winter excitement that brings yachtsmen out of their hibernation and known as the National Motor Boat Show will be held for the thirty-eighth time during the coming nine days.. Natl Motor Boat show, NYC: preparations
Comet Lovejoy brightest now until mid-January | Science.
How to see Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy - now barely visible to the eye as viewed from across the globe. Finder charts and best photos!
Look up: Youve two weeks to see a glowing green comet
A GLOWING GREEN comet is set to be visible in our skies for the new two weeks. Comet Lovejoy Q2 was discovered in August last year, and although visible in the skies for a few days now, a full moon has made it hard to��.
Comet Lovejoy January 2015 | StarDate Online
January offers up an unexpected skywatching treat: a comet that is just bright enough to see with the unaided eye. It will streak across northern-hemisphere skies this month, passing close to some prominent stars and constellations that can��.
COMET LOVEJOY (C/2014 Q2) makes closest approach to Earth
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy), a long-period comet discovered by Australian astronomer Terry Lovejoy on August 17, 2014, is making closest approach to our planet today, at some 70 million kilometers (43.5 million miles��.
How To Watch Green Comet Lovejoy - Business Insider
Theres a comet visible with the naked eye in the northern night skies. Comet Q2 Lovejoy showed up right before New Years and will remain with us until the end of January, but then wont be seen again for another 8,000 years. Observers in��.
COMET LOVEJOY visible over US
(CNN) It was a tough decision for any space junkie. Comet sleuth Terry Lovejoy had just pinged me on Facebook Messenger answering my request for an interview. Then, my amateur astronomer husband, Jim Ribble, opened the garage door to shout that he .
The calendar may say this is the wintry month of January, but it will be summer and vacation time over on Lexington Avenue this week.
17 Classes of Motorboats Still to Race This Year; A. P. B. A. TITLE RUNS END OCT. 19 IN WEST
A good many thousands of regatta fans along the shores and embankments of rivers, harbors and lakes will see daredevil driving during the seasons championship race meets that have been assigned by the American Power Boat Association.
Comet set to share the love this weekend
Comet Lovejoy is about 70 million kilometres from the Earth ��� nearly half the distance from Earth to the Sun. Named after Terry Lovejoy, the Australian amateur astronomer who discovered it in August last year, it is officially referred to as C/2014 Q2.
See comet Lovejoy with the naked eye this weekend
SYDNEY, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Comet Lovejoy -- or more officially, C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy -- is named for the Australian amateur astronomer who spotted the glowing green ball just last year. Terry Lovejoy spied the comet through his eight-inch telescope in his .
Motor Boat Show Opens Friday With More Than $1,000,000 Worth of Exhibits; PALACE EXHIBITION TO HAVE 120 BOATS Thirty-second National Show, Which Starts on Friday, Will Attract Throngs. COMFORT TO BE STRESSED Better Accommodations in Family Cruisers--Large Display of Equipment. Will Exhibit Seven Boats The Two Extremes Optimism the Keynote Same Parent Ownership Carrier to Be Displayed Schedule of Meetings SPRING AND SUMMER CANT BE FAR AROUND THE CORNER WITH THE MOTOR BOAT SHOW STARTING THIS WEEK
Landlocked yachtsmen who were forced on the beach when their season closed in October and their shore-going cronies who dont know much about ships and rudders and the tang of the sea, but who want to learn, can go nautical again for eight glorious days beginning on Friday during New Yorks curious
COMET LOVEJOY set to dazzle Jan. 7 -
By Zain Haidar A celestial surprise is coming at the end of the New Years first week, and the man behind its discovery has an interesting ba.
UT to offer public viewings of Comet Lovejoy
Comet Lovejoy, formally known as Comet C/2014 Q2, was discovered this year by an amateur Australian astronomer. Its a naked eye comet, according to Paul Lewis, director of Space Science Outreach at UT. UT will host public viewings Friday and .
Surprisingly Bright COMET LOVEJOY Dazzles Skywatchers
If, like me, you have been fascinated with the appearance of Comet Lovejoy in the night sky this month, you may have tried to track it down with a pair of binoculars or telescope. Using just a 250mm lens on my DSLR was enough for me to pinpoint the .
Comet Lovejoy crossing night sky
Stargazers are in for a treat over the next two weeks while the Lovejoy comet makes its closest approach to Earth. The glowing green comet is crossing the night sky before disappearing off for 8,000 years! On a clear dark night, the comet can be seen.
Comet Lovejoy Heralds the New Year - Neatorama
Comet C/2014 Q2, commonly called Lovejoy after its discoverer Terry Lovejoy, is passing near Earth right now. Bad Astronomer Phil Plait watched it a couple of days ago, and says it will become brighter over the next couple��.
Comet Lovejoys return set to be cosmic treat for amateur astronomers
A glowing green comet is making its closest approach to Earth and providing amateur astronomers with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will not come again for 8,000 years. On a clear dark night Comet Lovejoy is just about bright enough to be.
Americas largest body of yachtsmen, the United States Power Squadrons, which is gathering thousands of new members particularly among pleasure boatmen who are studying navigation for possible wartime service in the Navy or Coast Guard, has admitted its eighty-seventh branch unit.
Finding Lovejoy: How to Follow the Path of Comet 2014 Q2.
Have you seen the amazing pics? A bright comet graces evening skies this month, assuring that 2015 is already on track to be a great year for astronomy. W.
Tiny Box Brings Push-Button Boating; New Device Allows Skipper to Leave Steering Wheel Crestliners Product Gives Fisherman More Freedom
Automation, push-button controls and other magical wonders are moving into the world of pleasure boating.
Winter can settle down in earnest this week and next, for all the yacht skippers care. Let the blizzards howl and swirl, they say, and let the mercury fall to zero.. Rev
Comet Lovejoy Is a Spectacle to See in Januarys Night Sky.
Were less than a week into the new year and the sky has already provided a meteor shower. It has also given us a chance to see a the Comet Lovejoy. Best of all with the celestial events, many can be seen at no cost.
Motor Boats and Cruising
Fleets of cruising motor yachts, flotillas of speedy inboards and utilities, argosies of sailing windjammers and an indoor dry-land harbor full of boats for outboard motors are now headed New York-ward from factories in many cities for the annual January excitement Grand Central Palace on Lexington Avenue that this year will be the thirty-ninth annual National Motor Boat Show, to open Friday night at 7 oclock.
New Years Comet Lovejoy | Todays Image | EarthSky
Wow! Comet Lovejoy is really living up to its name! A wonderful December 29 photo from Justin Ng of Singapore and a link below to how you can see the comet.